#1 The importance of jump strength

The next set of exercises that we will look into would help you build and work on your jumping ability. As a goalkeeper you need to be able to jump as high as possible and your jumping reaction at times decides whether you will stop the ball from going beyond the woodwork and into the net or not.
These exercises if practised religiously and regularly can help you achieve kick-ass jumping abilities on one hand and strengthen your body on the other hand.
#2 The Jump Strength Workout

Number of Exercises: 3
Time Duration: 20 minutes for the entire set
No. of Reps: Mentioned Ahead
#3 The High Knee Jump

Target Muscles: Ankles, Lower back, Calves and Thighs
If you’ve ever played a game of football, you know you often need to jump above the crowd, if you want to reach a lofted ball.
A good jump can help you out of sticky situations like free kicks, corners, etc. Also, your jumping ability can define the speed with which you reach the ball which is an absolutely essential skill for a goalkeeper.
The high knee jump helps develop the strength which in turns converts to an explosive jump.
This exercise has two basic steps:
Step 1: Jump straight up in the air; while in this motion, bring both of your knees up so that they touch your chest lightly.
Step 2: Land back on the ground (well, duh).
Remember to land on your toes, as this helps strengthen you calves and decreases the chance of an injury to your ankles.
Your set gets over the moment you have done 8 such jumps.
Breathing: Inhale while jumping up, exhale hard once you have landed.
Levels: To up the ante try and jump higher and faster.
#4 The Wide Stance Air Squat

Target Muscles: Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Knees and Ankles
The squat, as we repeatedly say, is one of the most complete exercises which a person can do while training the lower body. Our current exercise is a very basic variation of the same and helps you strengthen the muscles mentioned above as well as increases the power with which you jump and the speed with which you reach.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Stand with your legs slightly more than your shoulder width apart and lift your hands up till your shoulder level. Relax your body and take a few deep breaths.
Step 2: Lower your body as if trying to sit down on a chair, and stop this motion the moment your thighs are nearly parallel to the ground. This would mean your butt is in line with your knees.
Step 3: Pause for about half a second and then go back up to the initial position.
Step 4: Repeat the above 3 steps.
This variation helps strengthen nearly all the muscles of your lower body.
You need to do 10 reps and a total of five rounds
Breathing: Inhale while going down and exhale while going back up.
Levels: The best way to increase the level is to do each rep as slowly as possible. Also, remember to breathe in and out as deep as you can while doing each rep.
#5 The Heavy Squat

Target Muscles: Arms, Hamstrings, Quads and Shoulders
The basic movement is that of the squat, with the difference being that you would be lifting up heavy weights while doing this exercise.
The basic steps of this workout are:
Step 1: Stand with your legs slightly apart, and hoist the barbell rod with the weights on your shoulders (as depicted in the image.
Step 2: Lower your body as if sitting down on a chair; stop this motion the moment your thigh is parallel to the ground and your butt is in line with your knees.
Step 3: Push back up to your initial position.
The squat when combined with the weights helps you strengthen your core as well as helps you achieve better balance. You should start with someone spotting/supporting your body while doing this exercise since it is slightly more difficult than a basic squat.
Your set gets over the moment you have done at least five squats, and you have to do five sets of this exercise.
Breathing: Inhale while going down and exhale while going back up.
Levels: The best way to increase the level is to do each rep as slowly as possible; also remember to breathe in and out as deep as you can while doing each rep.