Who could have thought that a womens match can be something to anticipate about on the Road to Wrestlemania after the way the division has been treated in recent years?But since #GiveDivasAChance trended worldwide for two days, WWE is making us believe that theyre focussing on the main roster storylines for the Womens division. The work so far has been decent, though it doesnt hold a candle to what women in NXT do.Paige has been in the forefront of the Womens division during AJ Lees absence. She looks set to take the baton forward and become the face of this division.Heres how her Road to Wrestlemania has been and probably will be-
#1 Journey since 2014
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Her arrival created quite a storm as she took the Divas Title from AJ Lee on her debut. This development recieved quite a thunderous ovation from the Raw-after-Wrestlemania crowd. It was clear that her arrival to the main roster was a much welcome affair and that will go down in history as one of the greatest debuts ever. Since then, the matches she competed in were much better than what women in the main roster did before that. All of this was a journey from her being a naive, prissy newcomer towards her popular Anti-Diva persona in NXT. Though, she still hasn’t reached that level of anti-diva-ness yet.
She had a brilliant heel turn on an episode of Raw where she decimated AJ Lee. It was a bumpy road at first but it seems that she is becoming her own self now.
#2 Momentum heading into Wrestlemania 31
Paige was thrust into the title picture after AJ Lee went on a hiatus and after she didn’t get tagged in during her tag team match with Natalya against the Bellas at the Royal Rumble. She lost her title match against Nikki at Fastlane and ofcourse the heel cheated to win. She almost won the title on Raw when Brie interfered to terminate the match. That led to AJ Lee’s overwhelmingly positive return.
All of this is seemingly building towards a Paige win at Wrestlemania. AJ Lee’s return has certainly shifted some major momentum from Paige. Nonetheless, the 22 year old heads into Wrestlemania as a favorite to win the title.
#3 What to expect at WM 31
This time is one of those rare times when WWE is actually having a storyline for Wrestlemania for this division. There are only a handful of women’s matches that can be deemed good when it comes to Wrestlemania.
A fatal four way or mostly a triple threat match is expected to play out come Wrestlemania. Since the Royal Rumble,the major storyline angle is that Paige is being cheated out of another championship reign. And this may be the time for her Wrestlemania moment.
#4 Immediate aftermath post WM 31
History often repeats itself. A year back, Paige made her shocking debut on the main roster by defeating a woman who was undefeated for almost a year. Now a year later, it highly seems that Charlotte will make her full time main roster debut soon. Almost a week back, Paige said during an interview that she thinks Sasha Banks should be the NXT female performer to enter the main roster. She also said that Charlotte wasn’t ready yet. That led to a micromini Twitter controversy where Paige it seems Paige indirectly addressed Charlotte in her tweet after the latter favorites a couple of tweets one of which deemed her a bigger threat to Paige than Banks.
This may as well be the beginning of a great rivalry, if treated well.
#5 Future stock for Wrestlemania 32.
As Charlotte inches closer to the main roster, it looks like the 22 year olf from Norwich, England will be occupied with this promising feud. Charlotte is bound to have a reputation given the fact that she already has some deep history in the wrestling business and that’s the legacy of her father. She already has a story- she’s out there to make her father proud.
Paige, herself, comes from a full-blooded wrestling family. Her family may not be as famous as Ric Flair but their greatly legit and revered by whoever knows them.
Expect this to be amemorable rivalry in the womens divison.