Can Strowman be the next breakout star?Braun Strowman is the talk of the town nowadays – he is a physical specimen, has the moves and is very much the stereotypical wrestler belonging to the ‘Land of the Giants’ that is the WWE. However, he has barely talked, the WWE Universe does not know whether he has got a shred of charisma and he has played second fiddle to Bray Wyatt throughout his short WWE career.On the other hand, pushing a singles run for him might well create a new monster heel along the likes of Umaga.So why should Strowman be pushed?
#1 The lack of a formidable giant
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Yokozuna, Rikishi, The Big Show, Mark Henry, Viscera and the Great Khali – these are all monster heels that were fed to the WWE Universe over the past two decades with varying degrees of success. A 350-plus pounder is still a novelty act and a good attraction in the ‘size matters’ world of the WWE.
However, the current roster lacks one. True, the Big Show is still there – but possibly not for much longer. It is time to push one and there is no one more apt for the role currently than Braun Strowman.
He hasn’t had mic time yet, so there is no way to judge how good he can be. But even a perfectly good talker like Kane was shielded for years from the microphone and you could always have a heel manager to talk for you – like a la Mr.Fuji for Yokozuna.
It seems worthwhile to push Strowman now.
#2 The Wyatt family shtick has to have an end
Let us face it, all the feuds that the Wyatt family have had after their debut nearly four years ago have been one dimensional. They pick one superstar, surround the ring and attack, Bray lets out a cryptic promo and a match is scheduled.
C M Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Undertaker, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Chris Jericho and Ryback have all been put in to these predictable angles. Intriguing as it was once was, the gimmick is reaching its sell by date.
The Wyatts have to split up sooner rather than later. Bray has never been part of any Championship pursuits – save for a ladder match – during his time in the family and the careers of Rowan and Harper have more or less stalled.
Strowman is the only one who hasn’t been overshadowed by Bray and it would be good if internal dissension between the two leads to an all-out war within the Wyatt family. It has got to happen before they become irrelevant as a unit.
#3 The different possible angles
As long as Strowman is part of the Wyatt family, it seems certain that he would be nothing more than Bray’s right hand man. He might have a moment or two with a top notch superstar, but he is not going to be put in a sustained feud with one. Why should the WWE waste a 6’8’’ 385 pounder as a mere accomplice to Bray?
Think of all the possible angles Strowman can have. He is the ideal candidate to challenge Reigns for his title, considering his brute strength. He could have a number of fresh angles with the likes of Randy Orton, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler or any other babyface on the roster.
WWE desperately needs new stars considering the current injury crisis. They have got one hidden away under a black sheep mask