Could Ambrose be the new Authority poster boy?It’s WrestleMania season, which would usually imply that WWE pulls out all the stops and bring as much attention as possible to the product. This year’s WrestleMania will be headlined by Triple H and Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight championship – a match that hasn’t gone down too well with the fans.Dean Ambrose is set to take on Brock Lesnar while Shane McMahon returns to in-ring competition, and his first match after seven years will be against The Undertaker.Every year, WWE does the unthinkable during the lead up to WrestleMania. In the last two years, the outcomes of the main events were altered at the last minute, while the road to WrestleMania was anything but certain.While WWE is trying to do everything under the sun to protect Roman Reigns, including keeping him off TV when RAW rolled out of Chicago this week, the company might not have many alternatives left.Here are the five turns that must happen on the road to WrestleMania 32.
#5 Dolph Ziggler
Everybody knows that Ziggler is one of the most talented, underutilized stars in WWE. While Dolph hasn’t received a lot of opportunities, he hasn’t done himself any favors by getting into trouble with the WWE management with his activities on social media.
While the WWE fans care about Ziggler and want him to succeed, one has to believe that Ziggler will not be taken seriously unless he tweaks his character.
Ziggler has proved in the past that he can be a very credible heel, and with Ziggler stuck in the mid card, he can once again transform himself by going after the WWE Intercontinental title or the WWE United States Championship.
There is a real possibility of Ziggler not getting a spot on the WrestleMania card, and unless he turns heel, the fans might not be invested in his character any longer.
#4 Becky Lynch
Although Becky will take on Sasha Banks and Charlotte at WrestleMania for the WWE Divas Championship, it almost feels like Becky is just being the middlewoman in the feud. While numerous reports have suggested that Sasha will be walking out of WrestleMania 32 as the new Divas champion, one has to wonder what Becky’s role is going to be, considering the fact that she has been feuding with Charlotte for the past few months.
Becky was one of the breakout stars at NXT, and her fan following has slowly diminished over the past few months, mostly due to her constantly losing to Charlotte.
While the WWE management keeps repeating that wins and losses don’t matter, for someone who needs to be taken seriously, and have credibility, they need to win and not lose all the time (case in point, the difference between Ziggler and Roman Reigns).
If Becky is to have any credibility left, the safest option would be turning her either before WrestleMania or during the match at WrestleMania. The fans will surely get behind Sasha, and the best thing to do would be to provide the shock factor, and turn Becky heel.
#3 Dean Ambrose
This might not be the most popular option – depending on which side of the fence you’re on. From his independent days, Dean has proved time and again that he can be one of the best heels in the business. At the same time, Dean is currently one of the most “over” faces in the company.
Most of the fans feel that Dean should be in the main event of WrestleMania, and not Roman Reigns.
For the past couple of months, some of the more hardcore fans have been clamoring for a heel turn. While many people expected Dean to turn on Roman Reigns at WWE Fastlane, it is almost a certainty that Ambrose will lose his title match at WWE Roadblock.
However, WWE can provide a much needed swerve and make things interesting, by letting Dean win, and then turn him against Roman Reigns during the build up to WrestleMania.
One thing is for certain – much like last year, Roman Reigns will be booed out of the arena during the main event match with Triple H. Although they had Seth Rollins to save the day at WrestleMania 31, they don’t have anyone to fall back on this time around.
What would send the fans into a frenzy? Put the title on Dean, turn him against Roman, and then have a fatal four way with Triple H, Ambrose, Lesnar and Reigns at WrestleMania (hey, a guy can dream!)
#2 The New Day
When we look at the tag team division, the most “over” team is The New Day, which is surprising considering how they were given a rather semi-racist gimmick, and they turned it into gold.
The New Day is scheduled to face League of Nations at WWE Roadblock, and there are reports about The New Day facing the members of League of Nations again at WrestleMania.
With the positive fan reaction they’ve been receiving for the past few months, it is about time that the faction turns face. Although members of The New Day are supposed to be “bad”, they’re constantly cheered, and everything they do is entertaining. There have been instances when The New Day has been the most entertaining part of the entire show!
It makes all the sense in the world to turn them going into WrestleMania, with The New Day apparently planning a rather exciting entrance on the biggest stage of them all!
#1 Roman Reigns
Most of the fans are already tired of Roman Reigns – the way he has been booked worked in the 80s with Hogan, but apparently, Vince McMahon has lost track of time.
The fans have evolved and have their own set of opinions, which has put WWE in a tough spot. While the company has been trying to push the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the past couple of years, it is almost certain that the fans won’t embrace the company made superstar.
However, we’ve witnessed before how a change in character can work wonders for the superstars. The Rock himself needed to turn heel to become successful, and Roman faces the same situation now after two decades.
The best thing WWE can do is to turn Roman heel if they’re not going to turn Ambrose. Roman’s heel turn currently seems to be the most sensible thing WWE can do, considering the fact that they cannot hide Roman forever from the more ruckus fans.
The Reigns heel turn has been the collective plea of many and it could very well happen at WrestleMania if Reigns's subtle teasers are anything to go by. In a recent interview, Reigns teased the possibility of turning on The Rock and in turn kickstarting his heel run
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.