Seth Rollins helped create one of the greatest moments in Wrestlemania history and became this generation’s ultimate opportunist. He dared to cash in on the biggest stage of them all and made his presence felt in a match that had two of the most protected superstars in present day WWE. He ran down the ramp to take his opportunity and then ran his way back with the ultimate prize, He took the Beast Incarnate’s crown away from him and that unleashed that very beast on Raw last night.It all unfolded into the best Raw segment this year and it cements the fact that these two may have a great feud.Here are 5 reasons why-
#1 Two well- written characters
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On one side, we have a man who is unstoppable and whose accomplishments are unparalleled. Brock Lesnar being silent and just standing in front of us is a statement good enough. His mere presence thrills the audience. The simplest things in wrestling like a suplex or beating everyone up or invoking a rematch clause becomes something spectacular when he’s around. He’s a fighter and as Paul Heyman succinctly put, “the most non- PG ass kicker in the PG Era”
And now, we have Seth Rollins. He’s a serial opportunist. He betrayed his brothers, he betrayed his Authority teammate Randy Orton and a few weeks after shaking Paul Heyman’s hand, he went on to Curb Stomp Lesnar at Night of Champions and tried to cash in his contract. He is a guy you never want to trust and he embodies the deceitful villainy that a heel should have, Chasing him and catching hold of him is enough to get a reaction.
Here you have it, two really well- written characters.
#2 Having a great cast of supporting characters
Rollins is Stephanie McMahon and Triple H’s bratty, little, spoilt ‘boy’. They are his treacherous mentors who are great characters themselves. They have both helped each other out for their own benefits. Rollins has a whole parade of characters to support him and speak for him and look after him. He has a very layered human shield around him, to prevent him from getting humiliated and decimated.
Whereas Brock Lesnar only has one. And Paul Heyman is not his human shield. He’s the verbal assassin. He’s the only guy who can has the beast on a leash, albeit not a strong one. But they are a match best made for each other. They present a picture of deep respect for each other and they are one of the greatest alliances in WWE history.
Great promos are on their way.
#3 Chutzpah
The best and the most entertaining parts of this feud has been Rollins’ boldness to not be deterred by the beast. Remember the time he had as part of the contract signing segment for the Royal Rumble and stood in the ring and talked like he belonged with the likes of Cena, Lesnar and Heyman. He even, convincingly shut Heyman up.
Also, remember the time when during the blizzard episode of Raw he refused to get up and make way for Lesnar’s interview. He stood up, faced Lesnar with the nastiest look on his face and nonchalantly tossed the chair away.
And remember last night when he made his way for the rematch that did not happen and straightaway, without a pause, walked towards Lesnar holding atop the title as if to shove the statement to his face- that he is the new champion.
His boldness has made this feud a must watch.
#4 Something to prey upon
The way Lesnar handles Michael Cole and the cameraperson were the precisely the way a beast would handle his prey. And Seth Rollins’ boldness has only made him much higher on the list of preys. One would not even toss inanimate objects the way Brock Lesnar tosses human bodies around. Rollins boldness and heel traits have made him just perfect to be on the receiving end of a major beatdown.
Everytime Lesnar got hold of Rollins on Raw, it was a thing of pure excitement. Rollins is the perfect prey to feed upon for Lesnar.
#5 The Perfect Storyline
These two actually have well worked storylines behind them and the in-ring chemistry between them is one of the best in the WWE. Not only have these men been made to look really, really good, their storylines have also been really, really good. Lesnar is the past and the present. Rollins is the self proclaimed future who’s turned into the present. It’s a situation which enables Rollins to finally takeover and claim the future of the business.
While you want Rollins to be successful, you also want him to get a beating of a lifetime from Lesnat. That is a win- win for both characters.