WWE made a big move in 2015 by replacing the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view with Fast Lane. On paper it might not sound like a big deal but in process, this wipes out the possibility of seeing the Elimination Chamber match in the road to WrestleMania.The Fast Lane pay-per-view will not feature the Elimination Chamber match this year. Brock Lesnar’s hesitance to defend the championship could be one of the reasons but on the bigger picture, it could also be the company’s idea of stopping the concept once and for all. There is still a minute possibility of seeing the match down the road but there are certain reasons why we will miss the gimmick this month. So here is a rundown on those reasons.
#5 The beauty of a gimmick match
There are a plethora of gimmick matches in the WWE but there aren’t many which stand out on its own. Matches like street fight, no disqualification, falls count anywhere and many more are basically driven by the same concept while it is matches like Elimination chamber that provide a breath of fresh air.
Amidst the tested scenarios, getting an elimination chamber match was indeed a great experience. It is a structure which has its own rules that are not found anywhere else.
It is a unique experience to be frank and that is what makes it a must-watch match. If the company is thinking about dropping the concept as a whole, then it would be back to square one for them.
#4 Royal Rumble entrance feel
The best part about the Rumble match is the anticipation we have about knowing who will come out through the curtains next. Though the elimination chamber does not pack a feel of such magnitude, it does have its moments.
With four wrestlers trapped in the pod and randomly coming out in between the match, the process of anticipation building is not a big problem for the writers. There are no surprises in the chamber match like that of Rumble but still, it is an edge of the seat moment for fans.
Thanks to the company’s decision of dropping Chamber, we will no longer be able to anticipate who will break out of the pod next and that’s the bottom line.
#3 Odds being stacked against the champion
Being a champion in the WWE is not a cake walk. You are expected to prove yourself at all twists and turn and the road to WrestleMania is no different. The Elimination chamber provided a foundation for the same.
It was a stage for the reigning champions to prove their worth before WrestleMania. With five superstars challenging for the championship at the same time, a win is certain to raise the stock of the winner. Rather than being called Satan’s playground, the chamber should be called ‘a champion’s proving crowd.
Everyone loves to see the champion go through some turmoil and at the same time it offers a great opportunity to another of superstars, which incidentally is our next reason.
#2 The introduction of new names into the Championship mix
Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, and Roman Reigns were all in the mix when it came to winning the Royal Rumble. But unfortunately, only Reigns could win and the rest of the superstars had to be steered elsewhere.
This means, despite having the talent to main event pay-per-views, superstars like Ambrose and Bray were pushed down into the midcard scene. It does improve the midcard narrative progression but think about it.
All these superstars would have been headlining the pay-per-view after Rumble if the Chamber was not taken away from the calendar. A multi- superstar match for the championship would have done wonders no matter what.
#1 Lengthy buildup for WrestleMania main event
WWE did book a match between Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns at Fast Lane to decide who will go to headline WrestleMania. This decision however is because of the negative reaction that fans gave.
If it wasn’t for the WWE Universe, Vince McMahon would have given a two month buildup for the Reigns – Lesnar match. And carrying a horrible microphone worker and superstar who appears once in a while for two whole months had the essence of a sure shot disaster.
These entire problems would have been solved if the chamber was still there. The championship being defended at the Chamber before WrestleMania would have given the company some proper time frame to build up a Mania main event rather than being stuck with two long months.