The Rock BottomThe Rock Bottom is one of the most stylish finishing moves of all time. It’s simple, it’s iconic and it’s beautiful to watch. The Rock has won most of his matches with this move itself. He’s won championships, non- title singles matches, iconic matches and what not by executing this single manoeuvre.So, obviously, not many superstars have been able to kick out of this move. But there have been a rare breed of wrestlers who have. Not many can boast of that happening but some surely can. Those are the elite few in the WWE and they so happen to be some of the biggest names.Here are the top 5-
#1 Stone Cold Steve Austin

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Stone Cold is a pivotal part of The Rock’s career and vice versa. These two were the biggest names from an era that had so, so many big names and main event level talents. The rivalry between these two is legendary. These even stole each other's finishers and made that a trending thing for other rivalries in the future.
Their last match at Wrestlemania was also Steve Austin’s last competitive singles match at Wrestlemania. And it took three rock bottoms to hold the Rattlesnake down for a three count.
Their rivalry is so long and decorated that kicking out of each other;s finishing moves is quite expected.
#2 Brock Lesnar
Summerslam 2002 was Brock lesnar’s crowning moment. He became the youngest WWE Champion in the history of the business at 25 years of age. The WWE had him beat The Rock since he was already making strides in Hollywood. Lesnar was dominant and he showed every bit of why he was called the Next Big Thing and why he’s such an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
The match was built up to make The champion The Rock feel like an underdog and he did play like one. Lesnar was a monster heel and The Rock couldn’t conquer him even after a Rock Bottom.
#3 Goldberg

There was no way that Goldberg who had the most powerful winning streak in WCW, will lose in his first match in the WWE. He faced The Rock, of all people. It wasn’t one of the greatest matches ever. It wasn’t a classic but it made a powerful statement- that of Goldberg’s arrival to the biggest wrestling promotion in the world.
Goldberg gave The Rock three spears and a jackhammer. He even gave him a Rock Bottom. Yes, The Rock went through all of that to take a final pinfall.
But, in the midst of the match, Rock did manage to hit his finishing move, which Goldberg kicked out of in more than 2 and a half pins.
#4 Kurt Angle
Okay, fine, it was a botch but a spectacular botch at that. Jim Ross made it sound so unbelievable and out of the world, which it was quite frankly. The match between Kurt Angle and The Rock at No Way Out was just a mere build up for The Brahma Bull to face Stone Cold Steve Austin but this was a terrific match for that build up.
Referee Earl Hebner sort of slipped and couldn’t make the pin when Rock hit the rock bottom, so officially, Angle did kick out. That’s what the WWE will make you believe and that’s what is ultimately the point. One Rock Bottom did not do the trick. A second Rock bottom followed and there you have the winner, The Rock.
#5 Hulk Hogan

No matter how much they try to delete this name from its rich history, Hogan is still an indelible part of the WWE. You just can’t say that he doesn’t exist. He’s been part of so many relevant moments in history. One of them was definitely the Icon Vs Icon match at Wrestlemania 18 which stole the show. Nothing after that could get the crowd as interested.
NWO Hogan who was a heel faced off against the babyface Rock but the audience in Canada were mostly behind the heel.
It wasn’t a technical classic but it was every bit of entertainment you can ask for. Hogan did the unthinkable and kicked out of a Rock Bottom and that was all to get the crowd firmly behind him.