WWE RAW 4th January 2015 - 5 Promising Developments

Lynch was again impressive, this week

Stephanie McMahon was trolled big time by ReignsThe first episode of Raw for the year 2016 aired from San Antonio and it wasn’t all that great. It wasn’t a shocker but the main event wasn’t compelling stuff. But the best outcome of the night was a story between two women and finally the womens division has something to look forward to.Actually it was truly well-told story in a very good match and that was the real highlight of the night, which should keep you looking forward to this year. They might finally get some good writing done for this equally talented demographic.Here are the 5 promising developments from this weeks show-

#1 A well written babyface

Lynch was again impressive, this week

For the longest time the main roster never found quite the right babyface for the women’s division. They had ambiguous characters and they were okay with that. Then they tried to make a babyface out of Paige and then Charlotte but that too seemed to be a lost cause.

But something clicked with Becky Lynch. The fiery-haired Irishwoman for the first time in a long time, seems to be the absolute best bet for a babyface in the women’ss division on the main roster. And tonight and last week was all about telling that story.

In that respect the new year seems to hold a new direction WWE is taking with this division.

Lynch remained a true babyface in the fact that she was proud of being Charlotte’s friend and of the competition she presented. She was also a good sport. Her puns are quite the rage on social media.

Also, she was attacked by Charlotte who made her intentions quite clear tonight.

#2 The right call

Charlotte made her heel turn official

Well, the babyface they tried to make Charlotte obviously backfired but being a heel seems to be the absolute right call. Even though she showed shades of negativity, it all came to a head on Raw.

All her talk with Lynch about the lessons to take forward coming into the main roster boiled down to one jarring fact- it wasn’t a lesson at all. It was all Charlotte trying to protect herself by any means possible and not giving two cents about her friendship or the loyalty Lynch has for her.

She attacked Lynch after her loss in a non title match and cemented her allignment as a villain.

Well, WWE’s finally got some character work going for female performers.

#3 Stephanie vs Roman

Reigns is getting over by not giving a darn about what Stephanie says.

The main event was not the best in terms of all the hype created around it and the defending champion and the special guest referee and then the interaction between Stephanie McMahon and Roman Reigns.

But what kicked off this episode worked just like what kicked off last week's show. The interaction between Stephanie McMahon and Roman Reigns on both nights was quite fun. She played her role as well as she has ever played it and Reigns just quite easily trampled all over it.

He trolled her just enough to control the entire segment with the best heel promotion in the business. He was out there to call out Vince McMahon and couldn’t care less of whatever Stephanie was saying.

He just wasn’t taking her seriously. This is the woman who changed the complexion of his face with a volley of slaps just few weeks ago and here he is not giving any heed to what she was saying. He even interrupted her entrance.

#4 The IC title scene

Ambrose and Owens are absolutely the best guys to work for the IC title

Kevin Owens is a prize fighter and the way he reacted to his loss of the IC Championship and last week’s attack on Ambrose completely elevated the importance of that title. And these two haven’t yet traded the kind of verbal attacks one would expect from them. Ambrose was at commentary during a very fun match between Owens and Neville.

They are still trying to outdo each other with extremities. This week Ambrose sent Owens through the announce table.

This is all good and fun but these two should just get to the talking part more. Good promos are in high demand.

#5 Slater wins, finally!

The Jobber Union was succesful tonight.

Don’t know how to feel about this. While it’s entertaining that Slater won, it’s sort of unsettling that Ziggler took the loss. It’s a hilarious feel-good moment. Slater was accompanied by other jobbers like Adam Rose, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas.

Is this a Road To Wrestlemania thing where Slater will shock the world each week or maybe other jobbers will shock the world each coming week by winning? Plus that beautifully awful promo and it was all a hit!

Anyway, all this was quite entertaining.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE