Road To Wrestlemania 31- Dean Ambrose

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Remember that one episode of Raw following Royal Rumble? It was a show that was hampered due to the blizzard but yet the show went on and we were treated to some intense interviews. Dean Ambrose made an appearance in a short interview with Byron Saxton and it was more like any backstage interview on Raw or Smackdown. It was around that time that he had nothing on his plate. No clear feuds. He said the Road To Wrestlemania is twisted and turned and that’s exactly the way he likes it but he’s going to make it anyway.And he sure has.Here’s Ambrose’s twisted Road to Wrestlemania -

#1 Journey since 2014

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No other young superstar had quite the journey like Ambrose did in 2014. No other young superstar in recent years can say that they main evented two PPVs as a singles’ competitor while John Cena was still an active part of the roster. Ambrose’s popularity caught on like wild fire after his brother Seth Rollins betrayed him with a plethora of chair shots. And thus began the feud of the year where each of their matches got better as time passed. Ambrose is yet to gain a victory over his friend turned foe. He had quite a haywire feud with Wyatt, which was precisely done to make the latter look strong heading forward.

2014 ended with Ambrose having no clear direction. But of course, he was booked like he mattered.

#2 Momentum heading into Wrestlemania 31

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Throughout the time that Ambrose had no direction, we all knew that something will be on its way and that something came in the form of a victory over Bad News Barrett, the reigning Intercontinental Champion.

It’s sure had a few hiccups but its development got a huge boost on the Fast Lane PPV. A video package of Ambrose was aired which was really good and it got the point across. Ambrose is trying to bring back relevancy to a title which meant a lot back when he was a kid. It was a stepping stone and it’s reputation over time has been tarnished.

Since then, everything related to the IC title has been fun and different with many superstars wanting and claiming what they think to be rightfully theirs.

Nonetheless, Ambrose seems to be the favourite to win it.

#3 What to expect at Wrestlemania 31

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If Roman Reigns is set to win the biggest prize in the WWE, with Seth Rollins on the prowl, how can Dean Ambrose be left behind?

Ambrose is clear to make the Intercontinenatl Championship a stepping stone towards bigger avenues and he’s clearly eyeing the prize that Reigns will soon have. But he’s taking the long route but the most fun route towards it. Ambrose is going to be in that Ladder match at Wrestlemania which will Ziggler and hopefully Daniel Bryan with the likes of Luke Harper, Barrett, R-Truth and maybe Stardust.

It’s nonetheless going to be a highly exciting match and Ambrose will most probably get his maiden Wrestlemania moment and win the title.

#4 Aftermath to WrestleMania 31

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The crowd on the Raw after Wrestlemania is clearly going to love him and cheer him on. He may just continue his feud with Barrett as far as rematch clauses work. Barrett also happens to be a hardcore fans’ favorite superstar. These two may be allowed to get a good match out of each other.

But it seems Ambrose will have a new opponent from the ladder match itself who’ll continue to feud with him over the title. It may be Ziggler or Bryan or a returning Sheamus.


This aftermath is as unpredictable as Dean Ambrose.

#5 Future stock leading to WrestleMania 32

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There is more than one reason to believe that Ambrose will be back in the main event picture and his feud with Seth Rollins is far from over. He may cross paths with Rollins again, but he may also cross paths with his other brother, Roman Reigns. And maybe, just maybe, the dream match maycome true. Wrestlemania 32 may just have a triple threat match between all three members of the Shield. And what a huge statement will it be if it’s the main event?

The wounds are still fresh. Ambrose will get a victory one day over Rollins and that may as well be sooner than later.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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