Top 10 controversial moments in WrestleMania history

The Undertaker and Goldberg during an eventWrestleMania is one show which set the standard for every other Wrestling event or even sport event across the world. And boasting such a legendary pay-per-view doesn’t come without its risks. Some of the decision of WWE when it comes to WrestleMania has been criticized to the core and most of them labeled as the company’s cheap efforts to make a big impact on the sporting world.While many of the fans remember WrestleMania for the epic matches that it boasted others still dig on the wound and concentrates on the controversial nature of things. As they say the past can’t be erased whatever you do and since we are at the door of another WrestleMania it would be a good thing to take a look back and see how controversial the creative was at times.So let’s take a look at the ten most controversial moment of WrestleMania’s 30 year history.

#1 Taker vs. Giant Gonzalez (WrestleMania 9)

Well it was the early years of Taker’s Streak and maybe no one expected Undertaker’s WrestleMania run to go legendary like this. But pitting Taker up against Giant Gonzalez and ending the match in disqualification didn’t sound like a good idea even at WrestleMania 3.

The only credential that Gonzalez had in his resume was a giant size and some scary looks.

The match ended when Taker was suffocated by Gonzalez with a cloth soaked in chloroform. Taker was then taken out in a stretcher but later returned to knock Gonzalez out.

When Taker’s streak grew with the years, this match turned into a disgrace in it as it was the only thing that Take won through disqualification.

#2 Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit wins world titles (WrestleMania 20)

With all respect, Guerrero and Benoit was two wrestlers who had all the ammunitions to give the best wrestler in the world a run for their money. But both of them were nowhere near the star power of Austin or Rock.

At WrestleMania 20, Benoit and Guerrero weren’t the one for the future as well since both of them wre in their mid-30s. So the decision to give them a big WrestleMania moment was clearly questionable.

Though the moment wetted the eyes of many fans seeing two wrestlers getting to their dreams, none realized that this was the climax of their story.

Eddie and Benoit passed away in a dark fashion and its only because of this why there aren’t many critics that question the company’s decision to give a couple of mid carder the biggest stage to celebrate.

#3 Floyd Mayweather knocking Big Show out (WrestleMania 24)

Celebrities getting inside the ring at WrestleMania might not be a rare sight. But Celebrities knocking out WWE superstars is a rare sight. The no disqualification match that went between Floyd Mayweather and Big Show at WrestleMania 24 was something like this.

From the looks of it, this was simply a David against Goliath match despite the impressive record that Mayweather had.

And though it was predictable that Mayweather would win the match, him knocking out a giant like Big Show with the help of a brass knuckle was not called for. The match thus ended in a controversial note thanks to the heroics of the creative team.

Mayweather however showed great showmanship and stands out as one of the best celebrity performers in the WrestleMania history.

#4 Lesnar does Shooting star press (WrestleMania 19)

Everyone does wild things when they are young and Lesnar was no different. Lesnar was headlining WrestleMania 19 in a match against Kurt Angle and did the unimaginable.

Being the big guy he is, Lesnar climbed on top of the turnbuckle during the match and did a shooting star press which almost got him killed. Lesnar landed on his head and suffered a concussion immediately leaving everyone in the backstage praying.

He had his life saved by the skin of his teeth as a bit of change in the angle of his drop might’ve caused instant death.

However, somehow he managed to get up and complete the match and walked out of WrestleMania as champion. Later Lesnar recalled that he had no idea as to what happened after the move.

#5 Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar (WrestleMania XX)

Goldberg was the guy who went on the hottest streak in wrestling history during his time at WCW while Lesnar was the hottest youngster in WWE who could knock out anything.

Add in Steve Austin as the special guest referee, it was a match which had all the elements to be a classic. But what went down in the ring made it one worth forgetting.

Lesnar and Goldberg didn’t even put in an average effort for the match which saw them take three minutes to get involved after the bell rang. The fans instead of chanting for the wrestlers chanted for Austin instead which further made things worse.

The lack of efforts got a lot of heat from the fans as they literally took over the bout which was hyped as a clash worth watching.

#6 Daniel Bryan and his 18 seconds (WrestleMania 28)

Bryan is arguably the most over superstar among the fans at the moment but two years back it was a different story.

Bryan was on the end of a dreaded burial which saw him loss to Sheamus in a match that didn’t even last 20 seconds. Before the match started Bryan wanted to give AJ Lee one last embrace. When he did that and turned around what was waiting for him was the big boot of Sheamus.

A well delivered Brogue Kick knocked Bryan out cold and Sheamus won the match in just 18 seconds.

However, instead of making Bryan lose his footing after this, he went on to become the top star in the company and surpassed the man who beat him as well. but the loss still remains as a black mark in his career and the scar of the things that the WWE tried to do to him.

#7 Austin Turning heel in his hometown (WrestleMania 17)

The feud between Austin and McMahon was the backbone of WWE’s attitude era and Austin was a cult hero for the fans. However, no one saw Austin turning heel in his own town and aligning with Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 17.

During his match against Rock, Austin accepted a chair from Vince McMahon and knocked out Rock with the same weapon. Austin then pinned Rock and celebrated with McMahon, against whom he unleashed a feud which redefined the attitude era.

Though Austin wasn’t booed out of the building thanks to the hometown fans, Austin was clearly “The” heel in the business after aligning with his arch enemy for winning the title.

#8 Mike Tyson turns on Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 14)

Tyson knocking out Michaels while wearing a DX shirt was one of the classic swerves in the history of WrestleMania.

Tyson was the ring enforcer for the match between Michaels and Austin for the WWE Championship and was aligned with the DX at the time.

After a classic match between Michaels and Austin, the referee was knocked out while Austin tried to pin Michaels. This made Tyson jump into the ring and make a quick count to give Austin the win.

Michaels who couldn’t believe what happened questioned Tyson only to be knocked out by that famous punch. The charisma and kayfabe brilliance added to the swerve as Tyson proved himself to be the best celebrity to make his mark at WrestleMania.

#9 Double turn (WrestleMania 13)

WrestleMania 13 witnessed one of the biggest turning points of WWF.

Bret Hart and Steve Austin had a submission match at the pay-per-view which was officiated by Ken Shamrock. The match was a classic to be precise and ended with Bret Hart winning after Steve Austin passed out due to loss of blood.

But what followed was the talking point of the year.

After the match, Bret went on attacking Steve Austin which made the fans boo him and cheer for Austin. The heel turn of such a big name like Bret was completely a big surprise and Austin benefited from it as well.

An excellent double turn made by the creative reminds us of how brilliant wrestling used to be back in the days.

#10 Hogan wins the title by pinning Yokazuna (WrestleMania 9)

It doesn’t sound that bad does it?

But the bizarre fact is that it happened in a 30 second match which happened after Yokazuna defeated Bret Hart for the title.

Yokazuna, who won the Royal Rumble had a match with Bret Hart, who defeated Ric Flair for the title, 6 months prior to WrestleMania.

The match was the main event of a torrid WrestleMania which is classified as one of the worst ones in the history of the pay-per-view.

Yokazuna won the match defeating Bret Hart after Mr. Fuji threw some powder into Bret’s eyes. However, Hogan came out and tried to convince the referee about what happened only to be challenged up Mr. Fuji into a match with Yokazuna.

Hogan accepted the match and won the title with a leg drop leaving the fans scratching their head. It still remains as one of the unmatched controversial moments in WrestleMania.

#11 Brock Lesnar breaks Undertaker\'s WrestleMania streak

A moment that would forever would bring chills to any WWE fan, Brock Lesnar conquering Undertaker’s streak is one of the, if not the most significant moment in pro wrestling history.It was out of the blue and left fans with hands atop their heads wondering the legitimacy of what they saw.

The greatest streak in pro wrestling was destroyed by one of the greatest combat sports athletes the world has ever witnessed. Was it the right decision will be a long-running debate, but looking at Lesnar’s resume, it’s believable in all aspect.

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