WWE Top 5 Rumors of the week and Analysis : 29 June, 2014

The Rumor mill was a bit on the slow side this week and it didnt have many big eye-popping speculations about the WWE. However, there was some news that made the fans get their thinking hats on to ask themselves where the product is being steered to.With Money in the bank around the corner, most of the rumors were based around the pay-per-view while some concerned about the longer run.The one surrounding Vince McMahon was probably the most shocking one while Daniel Bryan and John Cena also played protagonist rolesin some. So here is a look at the top five rumors of the week and how they might affect the WWE and its loyal fans.

#5 John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar for the title at Summerslam

John Cena heads into Money in the Bank as a clear favorite to win the WWE title, and even if he doesn’t, the company might have him face Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.

If Cena wins at Money in the bank, he might just have a regular feud with someone at Battleground and set up a match with Lesnar at SummerSlam. And if Cena doesn’t win at Money in the Bank, he will probably get over as champion in Battleground and face Lesnar.

All this was planned after Daniel Bryan got injured and the current news is that Bryan won’t be able to wrestle at SummerSlam and have a match with Lesnar making Cena the substitution.

It’s yet to be known how the fans will react if Cena wins the title soon and face Lesnar as he is on an all-time high after ending Undertaker’s streak.

#4 Roman Reigns and Triple H match to be pushed to Night of Champions

The fans who were expecting Reigns to get that great push and face off against Hunter at SummerSlam saw a disappointing rumor unfold this week.

Apparently the company has pushed the idea of Reigns vs. Triple H into Night of Champions pay-per-view since it will happen around the time when the WWE Network subscribers will have to renew their subscription.

The idea is to lure in more people into the network and hold on the current ones with such a block buster match in a comparatively smaller pay-per-view.

If this goes ahead as planned, we might see Reigns facing Randy Orton at SummerSlam and probably having Kane as his opponent at battleground.

#3 WWE Superstars yet to get their WrestleMania paycheck

Everyone is aware of the fact that the WWE is in some kind of a financial crisis but the situation seems to be more serious than projected.

Some of the WWE Superstars are apparently still yet to receive their paychecks for WrestleMania 30 and the backstage people are blaming the WWE Network for the same. Also, the WWE is taking great measure to cut costs and this includes the absence of the podium which Bad News Barrett uses and glittery works in Fandango’s entrance.

There are also some rumors suggesting that CM Punk left the company due to concerns over not getting his Pay-per-view bonuses after the launch of Network.

If the company is yet to pay for such a big pay-per-view, then they should start to revise how the network is affecting their financial dealings.

#2 Daniel Bryan to get involved in the Money in the bank match

Daniel Bryan is announced for the Money in the Bank pay-per-view which makes it sure that he will be in Boston. Though Bryan is restricted to the pre-show at the moment, according to the rumors he will be getting involved in the Money in the bank match.

He still has some score to settle with Kane as things stand and now that the Big Red monster is in the ladder match, Bryan might come in and get some revenge.

It’s not yet clear when Bryan would return to action but the angle seems set to happen so that he could continue his feud with Kane and close the chapter rather than leaving it there.

With Kane being in the match as Randy Orton’s puppet, Daniel Bryan’s involvement is sure to make Orton go crazy as well.

#1 Vince McMahon character is retired

Arguably the most shocking and disappointing rumor that came across last week was the one which suggested that Vince McMahon is done with the Mr. McMahon character.

The WWE wouldn’t be at this stage if Vince hadn’t invented that character. For every fan that was expecting him to return and turn things upside down will be met with a big blow if the rumor turns out to be true.

At the same time, though Hunter is doing a good job at the moment, the Authority angle is more than dead and could use Vince McMahon as a savior. It’s also a big creative disappointment for the writers who believed that they had one final secret weapon to make the fans silent.

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