5 Things in the WWE that will never get old

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For a product that Vince McMahon has looked after for more than 30 years, there is a lot of history attached with WWE. So many moments that are original contributions to pop culture. As years pass, there aren’t many moments that WWE can bring out to reach the unpredictable quotient. It’s a big challenge to keep reinventing the product. Repetition is the bane of all WWE problems. They, just like any other cultural industry, follow a formula. The one good thing about that is when something different happens, it’s a breaking news story. It gets unprecedented attention.But there are some things which when tried will always deliver. There are some things that despite being repeated will never get old.Here are five of them that have been realized this year.

#5 The Grin and The Slap

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No worries if Stephanie McMahon can’t perfect the two words made famous by her father. She’s got her own trademark. You can just predict that a slap from her is on its way. You just know. But the thing is people want to see her do it and she does that with style. From her father and mother and brother and husband to a host of supertars and divas, the slap has travelled ever since the Billion Dollar Princess became a heel for the first time. That’s a lot of years but it doesn’t get old.

You can make any heel stand besides her, but she will always seem the nastiest. Her slaps haven’t made their way yet but her grin has. And that nasty grin always works as well.

#4 Brock Lesnar being a beast

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WWE has had many superstars sqaush or get squashed over the years. And it has been an old shtick of the company to build superstars, who fit their criteria in the looks department, as unstoppable monsters. Fortunately or unfortunately that doesn’t really suit everyone in their list.

But Brock Lesnar is different.

We’ve seen him F-5 giants and monsters a lot, but it never fails to ignite a massive fan reaction.

This week on Raw he did just that and it delivered, as far as fan reaction goes. They were rabidly cheering for a heel to beat the beloved Streak and who also squashed the long time face of the company.

#3 Vince McMahon saying \'You\'re Fired\'

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Now that’s the sign of an evil boss. The thing is this catchphrase even works when he’s a babyface. He hasn’t said so this year but one was reminded of that when his daughter and son in law fired three superstars on Raw this year.

He hasn’t started the year with the best of reputation, given his statements on the Steve Austin Show and what Punk had to say about him and the company on The Art Of Wrestling Podcast. He heads a Corporation and those aforementioned two words are apt for his character. Whenever he utters them, it echoes throughout the arena. It leaves an indelible mark.

This catchphrase has got a life of its own. His own daughter has tried to replicate it, but of course, she knows, the world knows, nobody says it better than THE BOSS. That power walk gets an honorable mention.

#2 Whatever Heyman says

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If Brock Lesnar is on this list, can his manager and his advocate Paul Heyman be far behind?

You can have Paul Heyman read a grocery list and people will still be interested. He is incomparable on the mic. What will also never get old and stand the test of time is the way he says ‘Brock Lesnar’.

Lesnar may be a beast on his own accord. He looks and acts like one. Add Paul Heyman to the mix and he just seems unstoppable. He seems like a force to be reckoned with. His appeal is accentuated and increased to an immeasurable level.

#1 Sting being a Silent Badass

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The first thing WWE has executed perfectly this year is Sting’s presence. The mystique is still very much alive. Just wander through Youtube and see the live reactions of fans when he made his debut late last year. The fans consist of kids who are accounted in the casual fans demographic. Sting has a timeless appeal. All one needed for a build up towards Wrestlemania was just one visibly spoken word from Sting and that was ‘You’ while pointing at Triple H.

His dramatic attire and face paint leave a lasting impression. While some or many hardcore fans have always fancied a match between Sting and Undertaker- this match between Sting and Triple H seems so apt.

No complaints whatsoever.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE