Professional wrestling is seen as an evolved form of entertainment An art merging soap opera and live performance. When we see the professional wrestlers or superstars showing their prowess inside the ring, were often left spell bound and mesmerized at their abilities and unmatched charisma. We have various characters portrayed by talented individuals, and more often than not, they provide something memorable for the fans, something to remember and cherish for a long time to come. Because of that, professional wrestling has seen more number of legends than most other businesses or industries From the very beginning of modern era of professional wrestling to the Golden era, to the now PG era, we have seen countless number of legends stepping inside the squared circle.Sometimes, the best stories are told inside the ring. You can take the example of matches such as Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair, or The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. The true art of professional wrestling lies in the ability of these superstars to tell a story inside the ring, during their performance. But sometimes, stories of legendary status happen outside the ring, when the professional wrestlers arent portraying any characters, but are just being themselves! There are various famous and infamous stories circling around the internet about professional wrestlers, and in this article, I look at the top 5 road stories of WWE superstars in the past.
#5 The Hart Foundation takes out Vince McMahon
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This tops the list because it involves the greatest promoter in the business, and arguably the greatest professional wrestler in the history of the business. One night, all the wrestlers hit a bar along with Vince McMahon, and soon, things got out of hand. Hulk Hogan, being the insinuator as always, started making jokes about the wrestlers wanting to take Vince McMahon down. Soon, L.O.D were thinking about giving their finisher to Vince, but werent brave enough. That was when Jim Neidhert, who had a couple of drinks, told Bret that they would do it.
Before anyone realized, Jim had Vince on his shoulders, and as all the wrestlers watched Bret, he climbed a table and came down hard on Vince! Needless to say, Vince wore a neck brace for a while and told Bret that it was because of him!
#4 Ric Flair and Terry Funk share a drink
Ric Flair was known for his women and alcohol, and during his first marriage, his wife went out, saying shed bring back some of her friends. Ric then immediately called Terry Funk, who lived a couple of blocks down, to have a drink. Soon, both the legendary wrestlers were downing bottles, and that was when Funk tried having fun with Flairs dog, but that didnt end too well for the Funker.
The dog bit Funk on his nose and ran away, and Funk, inebriated and angry, stripped down naked and started hunting the canine down! When Rics wife came home, she found Ric on the floor, sleeping in his own puke as Funk crawled in the backyard with a knife in his mouth, cursing like a sailor! Rics wife then introduced them to her friends as, Thats my husband on the floor, and thats Terry Funk, the world champion, naked in the backyard!
#3 The Kliq runs into trouble
The Kliq consisted of Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, X Pac, Scott Hall and the newly recruited Triple H, and they became notorious for being unprofessional and living a fast life. They also travelled together, and Triple H wasnt aware of their lifestyle yet at this point.
During one of their trips, they started drinking in the car, and Triple H was the only sober person in the vehicle. Shawn and Hall also popped some pills, while X Pac and Nash were intoxicated. Suddenly, they saw a restaurant which also happened to be their favorite place for food, but that soon turned bad when they also noticed about 40 cops inside the restaurant! But since they werent in their right minds and absolutely loved the food there, they went inside anyway!
The cops soon realized something was wrong, but didnt take any action. That was until Scott Hall got up and knocked a plant down, as he was too intoxicated to move. X Pac decided to sleep it off and went back inside the vehicle. Shawn and Nash realized that they were in trouble, but with Shawn popping a lot of pills and washing it down with alcohol, he soon started shaking violently! The cops had enough and confronted the group to arrest them, but Nash claimed that Shawn was having an epileptic episode! The cops called an ambulance, and Nash asked Triple H to take care of Hall and X Pac while he rode with Shawn to the hospital. During the trip, Nash started laughing hysterically at what happened, and told the medical personnel that Shawn didnt have an epileptic episode, but popped a ton of pills. They all met the next day and went their way.
When Triple H asked Nash if that was how they spent every night, Nash replied Pretty much with a smug!
#2 Sid Vicious and a ravaging squirrel

Sid was a proud man, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that he was an intelligent, proud man. Sid was known for being impulsive, and had the knack of picking up challenges, no matter how nonsensical or dangerous the dare would sound. Sid also used to carry a squirrel with him for unknown reasons, which is a crucial part of the story. All of this came back to haunt the big guy, which went on to become an absolutely hilarious story for all the professional wrestlers and the fans.
Sid was once dared to stuff the squirrel inside his pants for a minute by the other wrestlers, and he immediately stuffed the furry creature inside his trousers. About 30 seconds in, the squirrel bit Sid in his privates, and Sid fell down in agony, crushing the squirrel in the process. Needless to say, he had to get rabies shots and stitches on his privates!
#1 Jim Cornette and the Dairy Queen incident
This happens to be one of my absolute favorites, and one of the greatest road stories in the history of the business! Everyone knows Jim Cornette as one of the pioneers of modern wrestling, and also as one of the best managers in the business. Cornettes legendary rants (Especially on Russo) have earned him adulation, respect and fame among the wrestling fans, and have also made him a legend among the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community). But there is one story that the wrestling fans and superstars alike absolutely love, and that happens to be the Dairy Queen incident.
Long story short, a bunch of wrestlers (Which included Storm and Chris Jericho) along with Jim Cornette got hungry while riding from a wrestling show, and decided to stop at a fast food center. After waiting for a good amount of time and ordering a large amount of food (Considering the amount of people inside the van, and them being pro wrestlers), they got to the front window and the person inside asked them if they really wanted that amount of food. Now, those who know Jim Cornette know his legendary short temper, and Chris Jericho, being himself added the initial spark which set off Cornette! The rest as they say is gold!