Sixteen school footballers from India in the under-15 age group, have been selected from the Tata Tea Jaago Re Inter Milan Soccer Stars to represent India at a youth football tournament, at Milan in September 2012 besides getting training at Inter Milan. This season Italian giants Internazionale Milan were the new partners of fifth season of the Tata Tea Jaago Re Soccer Stars program. In the national finals in Shillong, the top 16 schools from across India took part after 15 zonal qualification tournaments were held with over 6,500 childen from close to 1,100 schools taking part. Youngster Yami Longwah from Shillong said, “We are very excited to play with the famous club Inter Milan. I always dreamt of playing at a club like Inter. It is a dream come true for me.”
In total 38 children were identified from all the tournaments by head scout Jamshid Nassiri, the Iranian who is a former Kolkata Maidan star, and his scouting team for the coaching camp with local and Inter Milan coaches Marco Monti and Massimo Ciocci. In the end after a week long training camp in Kolkata 16 boys were chosen from this group to represent India in the international youth tournament in Milan, Italy.
“This has emerged as India’s biggest talent hunt in five years. Our association with Inter Milan gives these youngsters access to top coaching and an opportunity to go to Milan for a worldclass football experience,” said Vikram Grover, vice-president marketing, Tata Global Beverages.
Selected INDIA U-15 Boys
GoalkeepersFrolic Sondkhar (Shillong), Garry Kynta (Shillong)
DefendersNishu Kumar (Chandigarh), Gursevak Singh (Ludhiana, Captain), Banpynkhrawnam Nongkhlaw (Shillong), Yami Longvah (Shillong)
MidfieldersPrakash Nayak (Bhubaneswar), Praneet Purohit (Delhi), Lalrintluanja (Shillong), Raju Biswas (Kolkata), Bonti Mondal (Kolkata), Premananda Singho (Kolkata)
ForwardsSaurav T.P. (Calicut), Yash Sardesai (Pune), Aswini Bhola (Lucknow), Machung Tshering Bhutia (Gangtok)