Biomechanic analysts
A bio mechanics analyst specializes in studying the movement of the human body and figuring out the optimum efficiency of movement. Just like machines are endlessly calibrated during the course of production to arrive at the perfect range of motion, so are athletes studied and trained to help pin down the best possible motion for a particular task. For instance, a golf swing is one of the most unnatural motions a human body can emulate. We were not designed to twist and turn ourselves this way. A bio mechanics specialist can not only help in assessing the motion for better performance, they can also aid in reducing the propensity for injury. A golf swing develops one side of muscles in the body, a bio mechanics specialist can help in designing counter balancing exercises. These experts make a thorough study of the motions of the human body and seek to optimize them.
Not everyone with a passion for sports can make it at a high level by playing. But there are plenty of options for those seeking a career in a sport of their choice. The vast field of sports science is one of them.