#3 The Royal Family vs. Clowns R’ Us (Survivor Series 1994)
If you want quality in-ring action, skip right on to the next page of this Survivor Series countdown.
This match was the embodiment of sports entertainment, with a hot crowd and a hilarious lineup, that consisted of Doink The Clown and his three little friends- Dink, Pink and Wink, against Jerry Lawler and three dwarves named Sleazy, Queasy and Cheesy.
Lawler, the masterful heel, got the crowd to chant ‘Burger King’ in unison, to mock his own ‘king’ gimmick. He continued to stick to his character by being cruel to his own teammates for the entire match. Gorilla Monsoon on commentary was at the top of his game, but Vince McMahon was a disaster quite honestly.
We’re glad he went on to become the most despised heel of all time because commentating wasn’t really for him. All said and done, this is the most memorable traditional Survivor Series match in history. Although it might not be so, for those without a funny bone.