#2 Weightlifting

Fans of pure strength will be glued to the action at the Weightlifting Arena in Ashgabat but there is more to Weighlifting than meets the eye.
Starting from 18 September and spanning a period of eight days, lifters will go head-to-head for a total of 16 medals.
Unlike its general perception, Weightlifting requires as much cognitive skill as physical strength. There is much emphasis on focusing on the right technique, while the athlete’s success is also largely dependent on speed, timing, balance and flexibility. The Weightlifters that can synchronise their speed and timing will ultimately come out on top.
The Ashgabat 2017 competition will consist of two categories, the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk with athletes having three lift attempts in each discipline. The combined score from the best Snatch and the best Clean and Jerk for each lifter will be added together to determine the final score.