The mushrooming of gyms and fitness centres in India has taken the country by storm. Indians have finally started taking fitness seriously and we’ve seen people put a lot of effort in order to live a healthy lifestyle and be in the best fitness shape as possible.
To make the fitness activities more exciting and efficient, a plethora of unconventional fitness activities have come into existence. After all, you are bound to get bored by doing the same things over and over again.
Maruti Suzuki Devils Circuit College Frenzy has now made it even more exciting by added a competitive feel to one of the most exciting unconventional activity. But, before we get into the details of that, let’s take a look at the 5 off-beat fitness activities that are gripping the nation:
Aqua Zumba
An exercise fitness program that originated in Colombia, Zumba combines dance and aerobic movements performed to uptempo and energetic music. Given the interest and close following enjoyed by dance and music in India, Zumba is now one of the most common fitness activities seen in the nation.
Now, add water to the equation. You get a more efficient version of Zumba, with the water in the swimming pool providing resistance. Aqua Zumba is an invigorating fitness activity that is gaining popularity across India very quickly.
Body Combat

A combination of several martial arts, Body Combat is a very intense fitness activity with great focus on calorie burning. Drawing its principles from Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate, Boxing and Tai Chi, this is an extremely high-energy training regimen that works out all muscles of the body. It also helps you learn many defensive moves that can be used in real life as well!
For those looking for highly effective ways to get into shape quickly, this is a great activity to choose.
Aerial Yoga

A unique modification of Yoga as we know it, Aerial Yoga combines Yoga practices with acrobatics, helping in developing better flexibility and improving their power. Aerial yoga combines traditional yoga poses and pilates with the use of a hammock that supports the body weight.
This form of yoga is thought to help facilitate the movement of the entire body during various movements and adds to the core strength and flexibility.
Belly Dancing

Dancing is one of the best exercises as it involves the movement of all the muscles in the body. Belly Dancing, which originated in Egypt is one of the most expressive dance forms that exist. It is a complex skill to master, but once you become an expert at the complex movements, you can’t get over the addiction.
Moreover, it directly impacts the abdomen, so after all the effort you put in to become a champion belly dancer, you would only want to wear clothes that flaunt those killer abs.
Obstacle course workout

This is a full-body workout designed to enhance strength, stamina, response time and endurance through an intense course of obstacles. The obstacles will involve different fitness aspects such as crawling, running, climbing and balancing, with emphasis on testing out speed and endurance.
However, it takes time to see the results for all the activities mentioned above. However, if you add a competitive feel to it, that completely solves the puzzle. And that is precisely what College Frenzy aims to do!
By creating a competitive obstacle course challenge where you can beat your arch rivals, College Frenzy has created the perfect platform for you to show your fitness and getting the reward at the end of it. A massive cash prize and a brand new car await the winner! All this combined with the feeling of humiliating your rivals! Fitness + Instant reward = It certainly can’t get any better than this!