The Controversy against World Cup balls is not new. Goalkeepers always shout and scream before every world Cup as they are scared to concede goals and all of them shouting before hand is better excuse then amazing free kick in the TOP CORNER.
Interestingly the ball was designed at Loughborough University, England. Mr. Gordon Banks accuses the new World Cup ball of “destroying the art of goalkeeping” but these statements are normal. Many World Cup players have expressed shock at the new ball’s tendency to explode off the foot, shift in direction and bounce erratically. Even the likes of players like Messi and Coaches like Dunga have expressed concerns .
The Problem- The altitude level of Stadiums . For example at -In Rustenburg, which is 1150 metres up; Balls invariably travel faster in the thinner air of South Africa’s highveld giving absolutely no time for the keeper to react. Gordon Brown, has gone on to say ,”This will destroy the art of goal Keeping” .
Difficulty is Playing at altitude the new Adidas ball is creating so much anger amongst goalkeepers. If a goalkeeper has never played at altitude, he’s not used to see the ball move at a faster pace than at sea level. Combine this with the tendency for the newer balls to move drastically in flight, you can only sympathize with the goalkeeper’s fear of conceding more goals than normal.
Derek Leinweber, professor and head of the School of Chemistry & Physics, University of Adelaide (UA) says,”The Jabulani is textured with small ridges and ‘aero grooves’ and represents a radical departure from the ultra-smooth Teamgeist ball, which was used in the last World Cup.” Further he says, “The Jabulani is expected to ‘bend’ more for the players than any ball previously encountered. Players are also discovering new opportunities to move the ball in erratic ways, alarming the world’s best goalkeepers”
Let’s hope we see some spectacular goals and very few scoreless draws. We want our best players to score and our favorite team to win. Regardless the ball is good, bad or ugly.