In a rather fortuitous turn of events, the Organizing Committees for Olympics Games (OCOG) have had their eyes on Indian Newspapers and Media Channels, and have come to know of one gentleman called Anna Hazare. The frail old man who manages to bring the nation to a hold at his whim has a commendable skill up his sleeve: Fasting. Now, fasting, as is popularly defined is, “the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or up to several days.”
Fasting has also shown positive effects on the body which include reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, insulin resistance, immune disorders, and more generally, the slowing of the ageing process, and the potential to increase maximum life span! Now for any sport to be included in the Olympics, it has to be a sport. The OCOG questioned itself and went back to the definition books. What is a sport? “A sport is all forms of competitive physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness, and provide entertainment to participants,” the books said.
Does fasting achieve this? It certainly does! You might argue that excessive fasting might be detrimental to health but well, even excess of training for playing something can be harmful to you. Fasting, as mentioned above helps improve physical fitness and definitely does provide entertainment if done in a particular way.
The other criteria for a sport to be included in the Olympics; “In order for a sport or discipline to be considered for inclusion in the list of Summer Olympics sports, it must be widely practiced in at least 75 countries, spread over four continents.” Does Fasting fulfill this? Baseball and Softball have their status as an Olympic sport but have not been included in the London 2012 Games. But I’m sure Fasting is widespread. How prevalent is Fasting? My guess is that it exists in some form in every country! With all the world hunger, accidentally or on purpose, everyone has played this sport!
So thought the OCOG, and hence made the decision to include Fasting as a sport in the next Olympics. A few officials within the OCOG have been trying to push this envelope from long, for they have had this soft side for India, and it’s legacy in this rather tedious sport. It is also rumoured that these officials went on a fast themselves to get the sport promoted to be called an Olympic Sport. Now official, the Indian contingent was ecstatic at the news, and have started coaching classes for the other countries. Anna Hazare has also started his practice sessions in full fledge, and being the leaders in the sport world over, a gold at the next Olympics for India is more than just a surety. Yes!