Inspired by Shane Warne’s comeback talks, India’s ace left arm spinner Bishen Singh Bedi declared himself available for selection for World Cup 2011. Bishen Singh Bedi in replying to a question in a TV show told the audience that he felt he was still fit enough to play for India and would be ready to come out of retirement if the fans requested him to do so. Bedi who has constantly criticized Indian spinners for the past 20 years was speaking on a TV show “Match ka Mujrim” when a fan asked him to comment upon the calls to invite Shane Warne back in the Australian team. In an emotional response Bishen Singh Bedi lashed out at the Indian fans for not being sensitive about their ex cricketers and praised the Australian audience for remembering past legends. Bedi said that he had kept himself fit and perfectly in shape and was always ready for any such recall. He said that he was easily the best spinner in India and could outclass Harbhajan Singh any day.
In a bid to increase the TRP’s the TV show host appealed to the audience to start a campaign imploring Bedi to return to the Indian team. Last heard, an SMS campaign has already been launched by various telecom companies asking people to vote for Bedi’s returns.
When Harbhajan Singh was asked about the possibility of Bedi taking his place in the squad as the frontline spinner, Bhajji admonished the reporter telling him that Bhajji was India’s leading all rounder and felt insulted on being called a spinner. He further added that this was Bedi’s publicity stunt and an attempt to make it large in life.
Former India captain, Sourav Ganguly rubbished the suggestion calling it ridiculous but extended a warm welcome to Bedi to bowl to him in a local charity game. “Bedi always had more than a few things to say about my batting. I would absolutely love to bat against him” a visibly amused Ganguly told the media.