On Friday Pakistan Cricket Board announced captain for upcoming world cup. All-rounder Shahid Afridi named as captain for Pakistan team. The Pakistan Cricket board announced their team for world cup in January without announcing the name of the captain. There was a confusion regarding the name of the captain who will going to lead the team in the world cup. It was a tough call for Pakistan Cricket board to select between Afridi and Misbah. There was a cut throat contest between both of them. Both are equally talented and they have leadership qualities.
Afridi who is right now leading the Pakistan team against New Zealand. The team has won the one day series on Tuesday after 2008 under the captaincy of Shahid Afridi. As an the most experienced player, PCB named Afridi to lead the team in the world cup 2011 starting from the 19th February. The players from Pakistan backed the decision of PCB.
Afridi who is leading one day side of Pakistan from past one year and everybody from the team is comfortable with him. There is a good understanding between the captain and his team mates. PCB announced Misbah-Ul-Haq as the vice-captain of the team who led the team against New Zealand in test series.
With the announcement of the name of the captain PCB also announced the coach and bowling consultant for the team. Waqar Younis is the head coach of the team and Aqib Javed named as the bowling consultant of the team.
Pakistan is in Group A and will play against Australia, Srilanka, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Canada.
So it will be the great contest.