Chandigarh, July 30 (IANS) Gold medal winners in the Asian Games and the Commonwealth Games from Haryana will now get cash rewards respectively of Rs.2 crore and Rs.1 crore, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda announced on Wednesday. Earlier, the gold medal winners in both categories were getting only Rs.25 lakh and Rs.15 lakh respectively.
Winners of silver and bronze medals at the Asian Games would now get Rs.1 crore and Rs.50 lakh instead of Rs.15 lakh and Rs.10 lakh earlier.
Winners of silver and bronze medals in the Commonwealth Games will get rewards of Rs.50 lakh and Rs.25 lakh instead of Rs.10 lakh and Rs.5 lakh earlier.
The Haryana government has already announced rewards of Rs.5 crore for winners of gold medals, Rs.3 crore for silver medal winners, and Rs2. crore for bronze medal winners in the Olympics from Haryana. Hooda said at the ongoing Glasgow Commonwealth Games, sportspersons from Haryana have won eight medals, including three gold and five silver.