Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited to the Commonwealth Games by his British counterpart David Cameron. This is PM Modi’s second invitation to an international sporting event in two weeks following the invitation he received from Brazil president Dilma Rouseff’s to attend the World Cup final in Rio.
If the Indian PM accepts his invite to the Glasgow Games, Cameron intends to use the visit for business as well as sports.
However, Modi’s office is yet to make a decision on the invite as the dates for the Commonwealth Games clash with the new government’s first budget session in the Parliament.
Sources in the British government said their country would treat Modi’s visit as an official one because that would give Cameron the opportunity to engage with the new Prime Minister.
Cameron was the first world leader to congratulate Modi on his victory in the recent Lok Sabha elections. Many Indian leaders have travelled to the UK but the Indian PM has not been to London in recent years.
The British premier has already made three visits to India since 2010, and UK was one of the first nations to resume talks with Modi after he was proved innocent of any involvement in the 2002 Gujarat riots.
Last week, Brazil president Dilma Rouseff invited PM Narendra Modi to the World Cup final on July 13 ahead of the BRICS summit meeting which follows the World Cup. PM Modi hasn’t yet announced his decision on Rouseff’s invitation either.