Barefoot Sports Quiz Festival will come to Mumbai on 9th July at IIT Bombay. An event that has developed a massive following among the sports lovers and quizzers of Delhi in the last half a decade plans to enthrall sports lovers of Mumbai and neighbouring regions with its seventh edition. Earlier, Aniket Mishra, the founder of Barefoot, had taken the Quiz festival to Kolkata for the fifth edition in June 2016 where the quizzing community showered it with love and lavish praise. The festival is a one-day affair which will see high octane quizzing action with three open quizzes taking place one after the other in IIT Powai. The football quiz will be hosted by the renowned quizmaster Captain Chandrakant Nair. The sports quiz has been set by Gokul Satish, Aniket Mishra and Joy Bhattacharya. The cricket quiz will be hosted by Amit Sinha. As always, participation in all the quizzes is open to everyone; shedding light on the same, Aniket Mishra said, “We at Barefoot welcome even those who just want to sit through a day of intense quizzing and learning for their love of sports or quizzing.” Brainchild of an avid sports lover and quizzer, the Barefoot caravan began in the hostels of Hansraj College in Delhi University, where Aniket was a student. Reminiscing the same, he added “We had a lot of genre of quizzes taking place in the University of Delhi and at other places. But sports quizzes were far and few between. And it was surprising because sports have a massive following in this country. That’s when we thought of having different sports quizzes under one umbrella. And that’s how Barefoot came about.” Talking about the quiz, Managing Director of title sponsors IMS Kamlesh Sajnani said, "We are super proud to associate ourselves with Barefoot, the most popular sports quiz in the country, that also has a very passionate following. Over the years it has evolved amazingly and I believe with our framework of students all over the country, this edition will reach out to more people than ever before.” One of the quizmasters, Amit Sinha, who will be conducting the Cricket quiz, added, "We are delighted to be here in Mumbai. After all, this city has given us one of the greatest sporting icons in the form of Sachin Tendulkar. So, it’s only fitting that the Barefoot convention takes a pit stop in the God’s own city."
Registrations for the quiz are on the spot.