The return of the GOATs
Rio saw many new athletes emerge but it also saw the return of three athletes who, quite simply, need not even have returned to remain unforgettable. But return they did and with their podium finishes in swimming, sprint and marathon, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt and Mo Farah have firmly removed concerns that the thirties are for retirement when it comes to individual sports.
Between them, the GOATs have ten golds, but the count of injuries that have been overcome, journeys to the rehab that have been completed, personal struggles that have been gone through in order to stand where they have stood is what makes their quest to retain gold legendary.
Rio was the last Olympic games for Phelps and Bolt and most probably for Farah as well. New legends will come and newer records will be made, but the 31st games will forever bear witness to a resounding return of three undisputable greats.