The reverse countdown to National Games 2025 in Uttarakhand has started. Ahead of the mega event, the state's Sports Minister Rekha Arya inspected if all items, right from stationery to medals, are prepared from e-waste.
Uttarakhand will host the National Games for the first time this year. The mega event starts on January 28, with hundreds of athletes from different parts of the country set to compete across various sports.
To ensure the best preparation for the mega event, Uttarakhand Sports Minister Rekha Arya has been putting in her best efforts. Last Friday (January 3), Arya inspected all the items used for the National Games and also issued instructions to the organizers.
"Be it medal or stationery, everything is prepared from e-waste," Rekha Arya said in a media release.
The recycling of e-waste has many environmental benefits, and it creates jobs as well. Thus, this decision from the local government is like a masterstroke on the road to National Games 2025.
How Uttarakhand Sports Minister Rekha Arya has ensured National Games 2025 will be 'Green Games'
As mentioned earlier, National Games 2025 organizers have used e-waste to the fullest. Apart from stationery and medals, e-waste has been used for trophies, mementos, shawls, caps given to the players, cups, plates, thermos and utensils as well. In fact, even the invitation cards for the event have been prepared from e-waste.
Earlier in the week, Sports Minister Rekha Arya had a meeting with senior officials of the Sports Secretariat to review the preparations for National Games. Arya got to know that some of the equipment necessary for the mega event will reach by January 10. The Sports Minister instructed them to form a coordination team with other departments to ensure there is proper co-operation.
Meanwhile, the National Games torch light rally has started in Uttarakhand. The rally will cover 3,823 kms, reaching 99 places across 35 days.