How many countries are participating in Olympics 2021? Full list of sports and countries at the Games

Olympic Rings at show during the Tokyo Olympics 2021 Opening Ceremony
Olympic Rings at show during the Tokyo Olympics 2021 Opening Ceremony

Olympics 2021 are already underway. Even before the Opening ceremony at Tokyo's National Stadium, baseball/softball, football, and archery took off.


More than 11,000 athletes from 206 nations are set to entertain us as they battle for 339 gold medals from 33 sports.


Here is the list of all the participating nations at the Olympics 2021. The countries marched out in the following order in the Parade of Nations at the Opening Ceremony.

  1. Greece (GRE)
  2. Refugee Olympic Team (EOR)
  3. Iceland (ISL)
  4. Ireland (IRL)
  5. Azerbaijan (AZE)
  6. Afghanistan (AFG)
  7. American Samoa (ASA)
  8. Virgin Islands (ISV)
  9. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  10. Algeria (ALG)
  11. Argentina (ARG)
  12. Aruba (ARU)
  13. Albania (ALB)
  14. Armenia (ARM)
  15. Angola (ANG)
  16. Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)
  17. Andorra (AND)
  18. Yemen (YEM)
  19. Great Britain (GBR)
  20. British Virgin Islands (IVB)
  21. Israel (ISR)
  22. Italy (ITA)
  23. Iraq (IRQ)
  24. Iran (IRI)
  25. India (IND)
  26. Indonesia (INA)
  27. Uganda (UGA)
  28. Ukraine (UKR)
  29. Uzbekistan (UZB)
  30. Uruguay (URU)
  31. Ecuador (ECU)
  32. Egypt (EGY)
  33. Estonia (EST)
  34. Eswatini (SWZ)
  35. Ethiopia (ETH)
  36. Eritrea (ERI)
  37. El Salvador (ESA)
  38. Australia (AUS)
  39. Austria (AUT)
  40. Oman (OMA)
  41. Netherlands (NED)
  42. Ghana (GHA)
  43. Cape Verde (CPV)
  44. Guyana (GUY)
  45. Kazakhstan (KAZ)
  46. Qatar (QAT)
  47. Canada (CAN)
  48. Gabon (GAB)
  49. Cameroon (CMR)
  50. The Gambia (GAM)
  51. Cambodia (CAM)
  52. North Macedonia (MKD)
  53. Guinea (GUI)
  54. Guinea-Bissau (GBS)
  55. Cyprus (CYP)
  56. Cuba (CUB)
  57. Kiribati (KIR)
  58. Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
  59. Guatemala (GUA)
  60. Guam (GUM)
  61. Kuwait (KUW)
  62. Cook Islands (COK)
  63. Grenada (GRN)
  64. Croatia (CRO)
  65. Cayman Islands (CAY)
  66. Kenya (KEN)
  67. Ivory Coast (CIV)
  68. Costa Rica (CRC)
  69. Kosovo (KOS)
  70. Comoros (COM)
  71. Colombia (COL)
  72. Republic of the Congo (CGO)
  73. Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)\
  74. Saudi Arabia (KSA)
  75. Samoa (SAM)
  76. São Tomé and Príncipe (STP)
  77. Zambia (ZAM)
  78. San Marino (SMR)
  79. Sierra Leone (SLE)
  80. Djibouti (DJI)
  81. Jamaica (JAM)
  82. Georgia (GEO)
  83. Syria (SYR)
  84. Singapore (SGP)
  85. Zimbabwe (ZIM)
  86. Switzerland (SUI)
  87. Sweden (SWE)
  88. Sudan (SUD)
  89. Spain (ESP)
  90. Suriname (SUR)
  91. Sri Lanka (SRI)\
  92. Slovakia (SVK)
  93. Slovenia (SLO)
  94. Seychelles (SEY)
  95. Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)
  96. Senegal (SEN)
  97. Serbia (SRB)
  98. Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
  99. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)
  100. Saint Lucia (LCA)\
  101. Somalia (SOM)
  102. Solomon Islands (SOL)
  103. Thailand (THA)\
  104. South Korea (KOR)
  105. Chinese Taipei (TPE)
  106. Tajikistan (TJK)
  107. Tanzania (TAN)
  108. Czech Republic (CZE)
  109. Chad (CHA)
  110. Central African Republic (CAF)
  111. China (CHN)
  112. Tunisia (TUN)
  113. Chile (CHI)
  114. Tuvalu (TUV)
  115. Denmark (DEN)
  116. Germany (GER)
  117. Togo (TOG)
  118. Dominica (DMA)
  119. Dominican Republic (DOM)
  120. Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
  121. Turkmenistan (TKM)
  122. Turkey (TUR)
  123. Tonga (TGA)
  124. Nigeria (NGR)
  125. Nauru (NRU)
  126. Namibia (NAM)
  127. Nicaragua (NCA)
  128. Niger (NIG)
  129. New Zealand (NZL)
  130. Nepal (NEP)
  131. Norway (NOR)
  132. Bahrain (BRN)
  133. Haiti (HAI)
  134. Pakistan (PAK)
  135. Panama (PAN)
  136. Vanuatu (VAN)
  137. Bahamas (BAH)
  138. Papua New Guinea (PNG)
  139. Bermuda (BER)
  140. Palau (PLW)
  141. Paraguay (PAR)
  142. Barbados (BAR)
  143. Palestine (PLE)
  144. Hungary (HUN)
  145. Bangladesh (BAN)
  146. East Timor (TLS)
  147. Bhutan (BHU)
  148. Fiji (FIJ)
  149. Philippines (PHI)
  150. Finland (FIN)
  151. Puerto Rico (PUR)
  152. Brazil (BRA)
  153. Bulgaria (BUL)
  154. Burkina Faso (BUR)
  155. Brunei (BRU)
  156. Burundi (BDI)
  157. Vietnam (VIE)
  158. Benin (BEN)
  159. Venezuela (VEN)
  160. Belarus (BLR)
  161. Belize (BIZ)
  162. Peru (PER)
  163. Belgium (BEL)
  164. Poland (POL)
  165. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
  166. Botswana (BOT)
  167. Bolivia (BOL)
  168. Portugal (POR)
  169. Hong Kong (HKG)
  170. Honduras (HON)
  171. Marshall Islands (MHL)
  172. Madagascar (MAD)
  173. Malawi (MAW)
  174. Mali (MLI)
  175. Malta (MLT)
  176. Malaysia (MAS)
  177. Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
  178. South Africa (RSA)
  179. South Sudan (SSD)
  180. Myanmar (MYA)
  181. Mexico (MEX)
  182. Mauritius (MRI)
  183. Mauritania (MTN)
  184. Mozambique (MOZ)
  185. Monaco (MON)
  186. Maldives (MDV)
  187. Moldova (MDA)
  188. Morocco (MAR)
  189. Mongolia (MGL)
  190. Montenegro (MNE)
  191. Laos (LAO)
  192. Laos (LAO)
  193. Latvia (LAT)
  194. Lithuania (LTU)
  195. Libya (LBA)
  196. Liechtenstein (LIE)
  197. Liberia (LBR)
  198. Romania (ROU)
  199. Luxembourg (LUX)
  200. Rwanda (RWA)\
  201. Lesotho (LES)
  202. Lebanon (LBN)
  203. ROC (ROC)
  204. United States (USA)
  205. France (FRA)
  206. Japan (JPN)

Here is the complete list of all 33 sports at the Tokyo Games

  1. Aquatics
  2. Archery
  3. Badminton
  4. Baseball and Softball
  5. Basketball and 3x3 Basketball
  6. Boxing
  7. Canoe/Kayak
  8. Cycling
  9. Equestrian
  10. Fencing
  11. Football
  12. Golf
  13. Gymnastics
  14. Handball
  15. Hockey
  16. Judo
  17. Karate
  18. Modern Pentathlon
  19. Rowing
  20. Rugby 7s
  21. Sailing
  22. Shooting
  23. Skateboarding
  24. Sportclimbing
  25. Surfing
  26. Table Tennis
  27. Takewando
  28. Tennis
  29. Track and Field
  30. Triathlon
  31. Volleyball
  32. Weightlifting
  33. Wrestling

Also read: 5 sports that will debut at Tokyo Olympics 2020

Edited by SANJAY K K
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