Tamil Nadu are placed atop the Khelo India Youth Games 2023 medal tally with 13 medals. The hosts have won six gold, two silver, and five bronze medals thus far in the competition.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra (21 medals) and Haryana (16 medals) are placed second and third, respectively. Both states are below Tamil Nadu as they have less gold medals.
The hosts have six gold medals, while Maharashtra and Haryana have four gold medals each. Maharashtra have six silver and 11 bronze medals, while Haryana have four silver and eight bronze medals.
Delhi have nine medals at the Khelo India Youth Games 2023, including four gold, two silver, and three bronze. Gujarat are placed fifth with five medals (three gold and two bronze).
Manipur are sixth in the medal tally with eight medals (two gold, three silver, and three bronze). West Bengal are seventh with four medals, while Punjab are eighth with five medals. Although, the two teams have one gold medal each, West Bengal (two silver medals) are above Punjab (one silver medal).
Chandigarh are ninth with a couple of medals, while Kerala and Telangana are in joint-10th place with one gold medal apiece.
Rajasthan (four silver medals) are placed 12th in the medal tally. Meanwhile, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are 13th in the medal tally with one silver and a couple of bronze medals each.
Tripura (one silver and bronze) are ranked 15th, while Andhra Pradesh (one silver) are 16th in the medal tally. Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand are ranked 17th with one bronze medal apiece.
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Which states are yet to clinch a gold medal at the Khelo India Youth Games 2023?
Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand are among the nine states that are yet to bag a gold medal in the tournament.
Additionally, over 15 states are yet to open their medal tally count in the ongoing edition of the Khelo India Youth Games.
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