Uttar Pradesh will host the third Khelo India University Games (KIUG) from May 25 to June 3 this year. It's a national-level multi-sport event, where athletes from universities all over the country participate in multiple sports disciplines.
The previous edition in Odisha began on February 22, 2020, and ended on March 1. The Sports Authority of India and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, in collaboration with the Association of Indian Universities, the Indian Olympic Association and the National Sports Federation, are organising the event. It's India's largest university-level sports tournament.
Following the success of the Khelo India Youth Games, which had its third edition in 2020, the Khelo India University Games were created. The Khelo India University Games look to find and prepare talented athletes aged 18 to 25 for the Olympics and Asian Games.
Five cities to host Khelo India University Games
The Babu Banarasi Das University in Lucknow will be transformed into a sports village for the duration of the Khelo India University Games 2022, which is set to begin on May 25. The state of Uttar Pradesh will host the games this year, with activities taking place in four cities: Lucknow, Varanasi, Noida and Gorakhpur. One event will be played in Delhi.
The Khelo India National University Games will include 4,500 participants from 150 universities throughout the country. After Odisha and Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh will host the National University Games for the first time.
Sports like kabaddi, judo, archery and fencing will be held in Noida, while rowing will be held in Gorakhpur. Wrestling, Malkham, and yoga competitions will be held in Varanasi. The remaining events will take place in Lucknow.
Athletes under the age of 26 will compete in the National University Games. The Khelo India National University Games will place a greater emphasis on women's sports.
The government will announce the recruitment of 12 former athletes with international experience as coaches in various disciplines for state government-run sports dormitories.
The Khelo India University Games 2022 conclude on May 3. The following sports are expected to be hosted during this year's games.
- Weightlifting
- Wrestling
- Volleyball
- Mallakhamb
- Badminton
- Shooting
- Football
- Basketball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Hockey
- Archery
- Judo
- Kabaddi
- Yoga
- Fencing
- Karate
- Table Tennis
- Athletics
The Sports Authority of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Association of Indian Universities, Indian Olympic Association and National Sports Federation will collaborate to organise the Khelo India University Games. These games are India's largest university-level sports competition.