Indian javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra clinched the gold medal at the Paavo Nurmi Games 2024 in Turku, Finland. The Sports Authority of India, in collaboration with Jio Cinema, and DD Sports posted a video clip on Instagram capturing Chopra's winning performance on Tuesday, June 18.
Chopra is seen delivering a best throw of 85.97 meters on his third attempt. His sequence of throws included 83.62 meters and 83.45 meters in his first two attempts. His fourth throw reached 82.21 meters, followed by a foul in his fifth attempt, and his final attempt measured 82.97 meters.
Watch the clip to see Neeraj Chopra's impressive throw:
Finland's Toni Keranen earned the silver medal with his personal best throw of 84.19 meters. Oliver Helander bagged the bronze medal with a best throw of 83.96 meters. Grenada's Anderson Peters finished fourth with a best throw of 82.58 meters.
Moldova's Andrian Mardare and Trinidad and Tobago's Keshom Walcott completed fifth and sixth with throws of 82.19 meters and 81.93 meters, respectively, both recording their season bests. Germany's Max Dehning placed seventh with a best throw of 79.84 meters. Finland's Lassi Etelatalo concluded the event in last place with a best throw of 79.35 meters.
Neeraj Chopra will look to retain gold at the Paris 2024 Olympics
Neeraj Chopra, the Indian javelin thrower who made history by winning India's first gold medal in track and field at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, is now setting his sights on retaining his title at the Paris 2024 Olympics.
Since his historic win, the Indian athlete has continued to excel, securing numerous accolades on the global stage. He claimed the gold medal at the 2023 Asian Games and emerged victorious at the World Athletics Championships 2023.
As he prepares for Paris 2024, Chopra remains focused on maintaining his top form and outperforming his contemporaries.