Sevou, also known as Spoidermon, is a renowned Swedish PUBG Mobile creator. He frequently posts clips of his solo vs squad gameplay on his YouTube channel, which have earned him a massive fan following around the world.
Just like his brother Levinho, he is quite popular in the PUBG Mobile community and has more 4.29 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. However, he has maintained utmost privacy and hasn’t revealed his face to the public. There is also very little information on his personal life on the internet.
In this article, we take a look at his PUBG Mobile ID, stats, K/D ratio and more.
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Sevou’s PUBG Mobile ID number
Sevou’s PUBG Mobile ID number is 5181866304, and his present in-game name is 7Nov2020. He is also the leader of the Spoidy-Gang clan.
Sevou’s PUBG Mobile Stats
In Season 15 of PUBG Mobile, Sevou is placed in the Platinum IV tier in the squad mode and in the Silver V tier in the solo mode.
The famous content creator plays in the Europe server and has so far featured in 288 squad games. He has 23 wins to his name, which translates to a win rate of 8%, and has 59 top-ten finishes. He has also secured 1158 kills at a K/D ratio of 4.02 and has inflicted an average damage of 599.4.
Sevou has played 8 solo games and is yet to register a victory in this mode. He has only 1 top-ten finish and has amassed 19 kills at a K/D ratio of 2.38. He has also inflicted an average damage of 220.3.
Season 14
In Season 14, Sevou had played 1296 squad games and had won 113 of them, making his win rate 8.7%. He had secured 5822 kills at a K/D ratio of 4.49.
Sevou had also played 5 duo matches but secured no victories. He registered 20 kills in this mode.
In addition, he had also played 4 solo games with no victory or kills.
Sevou's YouTube channel
Sevou started his YouTube channel back in November 2018. Since then, he has uploaded a total of 682 videos and has amassed over 585 million views. He currently has more than 4.29 million subscribers.
You can click here to visit his YouTube channel.
Sevou's social media accounts
Sevou only has an Instagram account, where he posts gameplay videos and montages. You can click here to visit his profile.
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