#4 Pompadour with a voluminous top
Beckham had the Pompadour look on him after he hung his boots from international football. The Pompadour haircut is one of the most trending haircuts today, as many guys are sporting haircuts which are long on the top and short on the sides. Neatly gelled, this haircut looks smooth on David Beckham.
#3 The tapered haircut
It’s a classy taper with elongated top hair cut straight and goes well with a combed-back hair. The well-trimmed beard adds more sparkle to the haircut. This one of the many haircuts Beckham sported after his retirement.
#2 Classic comb over
Not every footballer can pull off this look but it looks brilliant on Beckham due to his squared shaped face. David uses his signature back sweep look to combine it with formal occasions. A comb and decent pomade are the essential requirements to get the sharp taper hairdo.
#1 The Elongated top hairdo
The Elongated top hairstyle features first on this list. This was one of his haircuts when he started taking up a lot of endorsements. David was seen rocking this look with extra short sides with the hair on top back swept which gives a similar Pompadour look.