Bollywood actress Zaira Wasim alleged, on Sunday, that she was molested by a co-passenger on a flight from Delhi to Mumbai, bringing a number of angry reactions on Twitter.
The actress took to Instagram to bring the incident to light, where she was seen being reduced to tears.
Wasim, who had acted in the film, had played the role of Indian wrestler Geeta Phogat, portraying her rise to fame.
On hearing this, Geeta reacted to the incident, saying that had she been there, she would have made the perpetrator “cry”.
“What happened with Zaira Wasim is very embarrassing,” she said. “But if I was in (her) place, he would have to cry.”
Geeta's sister Babita Phogat posted a video on Twitter, expressing her anger at the alleged molester. She even went on to label the alleged molester as a “barbarian”.
“When I woke up today, I read a very sad story. I got to know that Dangal actress was (molested) by some barbarian on a flight,” she said. “I’m calling him a demon because a good person will never do something like this.”
She further went on to question how backwards society has become, with such instances coming to light.
“Where is our society heading? These kinds of people should be exposed. I would also like to tell women to stay strong, and if anyone misbehaves like this, then answer back with a tight slap on their face,” she said. “They will not do this ever again.”
Babita also had a separate message for Wasim, where she asks the actress to stay strong in such situations. “I would also like to ask Zaira, that you have done such a great job of portraying us Phogat sisters in Dangal. You don’t need to fear from anyone. You need to be strong in real life as well.”
A number of other Twitter users also posted their opinions on the social media. Here are a few of them.