India is ready to host the Squash World Cup 2023, The tournament will take place in Chennai from June 13 to June 17. The Squash governing body of India announced the news on Monday (May 22). According to the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu, WSF Squash World Cup 2023 will be held in Chennai,
The authority announced the venues in the city for the event. The mega event will take place at Express Avenue Mall and Indian Squash and Triathlon Academy (ISTA). The event is reported to be sponsored by Tamil Nadu Government. This step is taken to increase the growth of the game.
“I am delighted to announce that Chennai will once again host the prestigious SDAT-WSF Squash WorldCup 2023 from June 13 to June 17. This tournament marks a new chapter in the history of our events as we revive and revamp it to enhance its significance further”, said N. Ramachandran, Honorary Life President SRFI and Vice Chairman SDAT.
The above step will allow players from around the globe to compete against one another in pursuit of a coveted trophy. An important step for Indian Squash indeed. The event to be featured in Chennai will be the fourth edition. Squash World Cup 2023 will be a lot different from its previous versions.
The World Cup has undergone a significant amount of changes. Being last staged in the year 2011, there were a lot of variations in the rules and format of the tournament since then. The Indian contingent at the event will be led by experienced campaigners the likes of Saurav Ghosal and Joshna Chinappa.
Squash World Cup 2023: Rule Changes and Teams Participating
For the first time, the matches in the tournament will play to the best of five games to seven points.
The event will feature gender parity within the teams. Each team will consist of two men and two women. The teams will compete against each other in the ties of four matches within their pool.
The eight teams featuring in the tournament include India, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Egypt, South Africa, Australia, and Colombia.