Eleven Indian players, including seven in Boys section brought cheers to the country by progressing to ten categorized finals in the 3rd Indian Junior Open Squash Championship here today at the Indian Squash Academy courts.
While most of the matches today were long drawn affairs, the tie between Jordan’s Ahmad Alsaraj, top seed and Hong Kong’s Yeung Ho Wai was the longest so far in the tournament. Alsaraj was rattled as Yeung picked up every returns of the Jordanian and the rivals were involved in long rallies. Alsaraj, who served for the match twice in the fourth game final settled the issue in 72 minutes.
Results of semi final matches:
Boys Un-11: Veer Chotrani bt Ayush Menon (USA) 11-8 11-5 6-11 11-7 and Tushar Shahani bt P Shankaran 11-8 11-9 10-12 12-10,
Boys Un-13: Mohammad Alsarraj (JOR) Yash Bhargava 11-4 11-6 9-11 11-6 and Ranjit Singh bt Robin Mann 11-7 11-5 11-8,
Boys Un-15: Yuen Tsun Hei (H.K) bt Mohd. Farez Izwan (Mal) 12-10 11-6 11-4 and Yohan Pandole bt Sandeep Ramachandran 14-12 6-11 11-8 7-11 11-9,
Boys Un-17: Ahmad Alsaraj (JOR) bt Yeung Ho Wai (H.K) 11-7 13-11 9-11 12-10 and Kush Kumar bt Gurshan Singh (Mal) 11-5 11-8 11-4,
Boys Un-19: Mahesh Mangaonkar bt Tang Cheuk Yan (H.K) 11-4 11-7 11-6 and Abhishek Pradhan bt Vrishab Kotian 11-8, 9-11, 11-7, 11-4 and
Girls Un- 11: Diya Joukni bt Adwiteya Kasliwal 11-3 12-10 11-8 and Lui Hiu Lam (H.K) bt Aditi Raheja 11-1 11-4 11-2,
Girls Un- 13: Aishwarya Bhattacharya bt Cheng Nga Ching (H.K) 12-10 12-10 9-11 10-12 11-8 and Ho Ka Wing (H.K) bt Ashita Bhengra 11-3 7-11 11-7 11-4,
Girls Un15: Harshit Kaur bt Adya Advani 11-3 17-15 11-7 and Chan Ho Ching(H.K) bt Mihiliya Methsarani (S.L) 8-11 11-8 11-9 11-7,
Girls Un-17: Ho Tze Lok (H.K) Chu Ka Hei (H.K) 11-5 8-11 11-3 11-6 and Choi Uen Shan bt Chan Pui Hei Pansy (H.K) 11-7 11-7 13-11 and
Girls U19: Anaka Alankamony Lee Ka Yi (H.K) 11-7 11-3 11-1 and Ho Ka Po (H.K) Aparajitha Balamurukan 11-6 11-5 11-6.