Akanksha Salunkhe returned victorious winning The Iran Junior Open – girls under 15 event held at the Enghelab Sports Complex,Tehran. This victory in the Asian Squash Federation Super Series Silver event is her maiden international title.
In the final Akanksha comfortably defeated Kimiya Mohammed from Kuwait 11-1, 11-5, 11-4. Akanksha the only Indian in the event was in dominating form as she did not drop a game the entire tournament.
The Results:
Final: beat Kimiya Mohammed from Kuwait 11-1, 11-5, 11-4
Semi final: beat Kazol Sharafu from Iran 11-6,11-4,11-9
Quarter final: beat Mubeena from Iran 11-5,11-4,11-1
2nd round beat Nurihna from Muscat 11-3,11-2,11-1
1st round beat Kimiya Farah from Kuwait 11-1,11-0,11-1