Victory at the Chennai Open last week has ensured Joshna gets into the top 50 and is placed at 49 in the June 2012 WSA World Rankings. Dipika Pallikal slips one spot to 15 in the rankings whereas Anaka Alankamony losing in the Semi Finals at Chennai Open also moves up 18 position to be ranked 88.
There is not much change in the Indian men’s rankings.
WSA Ranking
15 Dipika Pallikal
49 Joshna Chinappa
88 Anaka Alankamony
109 Aparajitha Balamurukan
152 Harshit Kaur Jawanda
212 Surbhi Misra
PSA Ranking
25 Saurav Ghosal
45 Siddharth Suchde
105=Harinder Pal Sandhu
144= Mahesh Mangaonkar
205=Ravi Dixit
358=Ramit Tandon
410= Kush Kumar
410= Sandeep Jangra
Edited by Staff Editor