Fast improving Navaneeth Prabhu from Tamil Nadu, the only player to win a silver medal in the recent Asian junior squash championship, justified his high rating by winning the U-13 title in the Provogue Jaipur Open 2015 which concluded on Sunday. Navaneeth defeated his state-mate Kanhav Nanavati 11-4, 11-7, 12-10.
The boys’ under 19 title went to Indian Squash Academy pupil Abhay Singh while in the girls’section 16- year old Akanksha Salunkhe reflected her growing stature by grabbing the title.
Other results: Boys: U-19: Abhay Singh (TN) bt Rohin Singh Mann (Del) 11-6, 11-7, 13-11; U-17: Aryaman Adik (Mah) bt Ysh Bhargava (Del) 11-9, 11-7, 17-15; U-15: Tushar Shahani (Mah) bt Saksham Choudhary (del) 11-7, 11-13, 11-4, 9-11, 11-6; U-11: Jaivir Singh Dhillon (Del) bt Paarth Ambani (Mah) 11-8, 4-11, 11-5, 11-8
Girls: U-19: Akanksha Salunkhe (Goa) bt Jui Kalgutkar (Mah) 11-13, 11-3, 11-3, 11-3; U-17: Sunayna Kuruvilla (TN) bt Amita Gondi (AP) 11-5, 11-2, 11-9; U-15: Navmi Sharma (Mah) bt Samita Sivakumar (TN) 8-11, 11-33, 11-6, 11-7; U-13: Ananya Dabke (Mah) bt Megh Bhatia (Del) 12-10, 12-10, 11-8; U-11: Yuvna Gupta (Mah)bt Aasya Patel (MP) 11-3, 11-6, 11-7