The Indian contingent at the Asian Games 2023 had every reason to celebrate on Thursday, October 5, as Dipika Pallikal and Harinder Pal Singh Sandhu clinched the nation's second gold medal in squash. Saurav Ghosal added yet another Asian Games medal to his collection by winning silver in the men’s singles category.
In a thrilling showdown, the mixed doubles duo defeated Malaysia's Aifa Binti Azman and Syafiq Kamal, while Ghosal narrowly missed out on the gold by going down to Malaysia's Eain Yow Ng.
A closer look at the results
The final match between Pallikal-Sandhu and Azman-Kamal was nothing short of a nail-biting spectacle. It lasted for 35 minutes and was filled with intense moments and incredible displays of talent. The scoreline stood at 11-10, 11-10 in favor of the Indian duo.
The first game was a fiercely contested battle, with both teams relentlessly vying for the lead. However, the Indian pair showcased their remarkable resilience and composure, winning the game after being 9-10 down. They seized a 1-0 lead.
The second game saw Pallikal and Sandhu initially dominate, but the Malaysian duo stunned everyone by winning seven consecutive points, bringing the score to 10-9 in their favor. In a display of sheer determination, very similar to the first set, Pallikal and Sandhu regained their composure and won the match with a final scoreline of 11-10, 11-10, securing the gold medal.
Saurav Ghosal misses out on a gold
In the men’s singles final, India's veteran Saurav Ghosal had to settle for silver in an intense final against Malaysia's Eain Yow Ng. Ghosal fought hard in a match that lasted a staggering 72 minutes.
After winning the first set in a close battle, the Indian squash champion couldn’t manage to secure another game and eventually succumbed to a score of 11-9, 9-11, 5-11, 7-11. This marked Ghosal's second silver and his fifth consecutive singles Asian Games medal.
The Indian mixed doubles pair of Anahat Singh and Abhay Singh also secured a bronze medal at the Asian Games 2023 on October 4.
The finals that took place on October 5 marked the end of the squash events at the Asian Games 2023, and with 5 medals, including 2 golds, the Indian squash contingent has a lot to be proud of. Indian fans hope this stellar performance by the squash players will continue in tournaments to come.