Chennai is once again witness to the the series of PSA & WISPA events being played at the Indian Squash Academy from 18-23 Jan 2010. These events have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, keeping in mind the preparation of its players for the CWG 2010.
This 6th edition of the PSA Indian Challenger carries a prize fund of US$8750 while the 4th WISPA Indian Challenger edition carries a prize fund of US$8000.
The top seed in the PSA event is Stephen Coppinger from South Africa ranked 49 in the world. The Indians in the main draw vying for the title are Siddharth Suchde (ranked 99) and Ravi Dixit (ranked 223). Eleven other Indian are slotted in the qualification rounds.
The first round of qualification had 4 matches, results are as under:
Naresh Kumar Bye
Naveen Jangra bt Vrishab Kotian 11-6, 11-6, 11-7 (26min)
Deepak Mishra bt Waqar Pathan 11-5, 11-5, 11-4 (20min)
Abhishek Pradhan Bye
Karan Malik Bye
A. Parthiban bt Kush Kumar 11-5, 11-9, 11-7 (25min)
Zyad Alowayesh (Kuw) bt B. Balamurugan 11-13, 11-3, 11-8, 11-7 (37min)
Gaurav Nandrajog Bye
Zyad Alowayesh the only foreigner in the qualification went down to B. Balamurugan in 4 games.
In the WISPA event, academy player Joshana Chinappa (ranked 34) has been given top billing. Joining her in the main draw from India is Dipika Pallikal (ranked 46), Anaka Alankamony (ranked 87) and Anwesha Reddy (ranked 114).
The first round of qualification had only 1 match, the result is under:
ANKITA SHARMA (IND bt AISHA AL-HAMAD (KUW) 11-4, 11-1, 11-2 (16min)
The second round of qualification matches start tomorrow 330pm onwards.
Cyrus Poncha
National Coach
Chennai is once again witness to the the series of PSA & WISPA events being played at the Indian Squash Academy from 18-23 Jan 2010. These events have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, keeping in mind the preparation of its players for the CWG 2010.
This 6th edition of the PSA Indian Challenger carries a prize fund of US$8750 while the 4th WISPA Indian Challenger edition carries a prize fund of US$8000.
The top seed in the PSA event is Stephen Coppinger from South Africa ranked 49 in the world. The Indians in the main draw vying for the title are Siddharth Suchde (ranked 99) and Ravi Dixit (ranked 223). Eleven other Indian are slotted in the qualification rounds.
The first round of qualification had 4 matches, results are as under:
Naresh Kumar Bye
Naveen Jangra bt Vrishab Kotian 11-6, 11-6, 11-7 (26min)
Deepak Mishra bt Waqar Pathan 11-5, 11-5, 11-4 (20min)
Abhishek Pradhan Bye
Karan Malik Bye
A. Parthiban bt Kush Kumar 11-5, 11-9, 11-7 (25min)
Zyad Alowayesh (Kuw) bt B. Balamurugan 11-13, 11-3, 11-8, 11-7 (37min)
Gaurav Nandrajog Bye
Zyad Alowayesh the only foreigner in the qualification went down to B. Balamurugan in 4 games.
In the WISPA event, academy player Joshana Chinappa (ranked 34) has been given top billing. Joining her in the main draw from India is Dipika Pallikal (ranked 46), Anaka Alankamony (ranked 87) and Anwesha Reddy (ranked 114).
The first round of qualification had only 1 match, the result is under:
ANKITA SHARMA (IND bt AISHA AL-HAMAD (KUW) 11-4, 11-1, 11-2 (16min)
The second round of qualification matches start tomorrow 330pm onwards.
Cyrus Poncha
National Coach
Edited by Staff Editor