Despite high expectations, India’s champion player Saurav Ghosal failed to cap a glorious week’s show with a title-win when he went down to the giant killer Alfredo Avila of Mexico in four games 11-9, 8-11, 11-4, 11-8 in the final of the $50,000 Albierto Colombiano 2015, a PSA event in Colombian capital of Bogota.
Ranked 54 in the PSA register as compared to Ghosal’s 19 , the Mexican had come to the main draw from the qualifying phase. But then he proved statistics are mere numbers with his stupendous effort from start.
Avila had beaten the second seed Peter Barker of England for a place in the final. The Inspired man’s relentless march saw the Indian go on the backfoot . Barring a brief moment when Ghosal grabbed a game it was Avila all the way in this 55 minute contest that also brought the Mexican his seventh PSA title.