Sheltrex Chairman Mr. Rajesh Krishnan launched their new ‘World Champion Builders’ program in Chennai. The ceremony was attended by Ms. Dipika Pallikal, India’s top squash player, and the first athlete to be part of this program.
Sheltrex is a technology integrated housing venture promoted by Sheltrex Housing Pvt. Ltd., headquartered in Pune, India. Sheltrex has been the biggest proponent of integrating technologies to support sustainable urban development.
The ‘World Champion Builders’ program is a youth and community sports program that plans to encourage young sport talent. Under this program, Sheltrex plans to host community sports tournaments and other sports activities in schools and colleges across Tamil Nadu and eventually all over India. The program will consider sports like Lawn Tennis, Badminton, Squash, Shooting and Chess in its inaugural year.
Sheltrex Chairman Mr. Rajesh Krishnan said, “The goal of the ‘World Champion Builders’ program is to look for rising stars of Tamil Nadu and nurture them into tomorrow’s world champions. The program will identify at least 5 athletes in Tamil Nadu over the next 3 years. Since Sheltrex has launched its maiden project in Chennai, investing in the local community is high on its agenda. We are extremely proud to be associated with such a talented player as Dipika. We will work hard with her to help her on the journey to become the world’s no.1 squash player.”