5 best weapons combinations in Apex Legends
The 301 has always been one of the most dominant weapons in the game, and pairing it with the R-99 can bring about a swift victory. Since both guns use light ammo, it's easy to stockpile one ammo type, instead of having to make room for two.
R-301 and R-99
The Spitfire is excellent at mid-range, capable of downing multiple Apex Legends players in a single clip if fired accurately. However, it suffers at close-range with its bulkiness, creating a weak spot if players don't have a close-range weapon.This is where the Peacekeeper steps up to the plate by providing that insurance and kill potential.
Spitfire and Peacekeeper
Any player who can master the Bocek Bow can pick enemies off with little trouble. Like many slow fire rate weapons that demolish armor and HP with one hit, it needs a reliable secondary weapon to switch to when necessary. While the 301 is always a good choice, taking the Flatline here is better if players want a little more power behind each shot.
Bocek Bow and Flatline
The Sentinel tops the list as Season 9's favored sniper rifle, dealing high damage from far away. With a little practice, the Volt SMG can perform better than the R-99 in some situations with its lack of charge time and incredible fire rate. Players who take both of these weapons can snipe enemies across zones and melt armor when rushed.
Sentinel and Volt
This combination is great for players who want to spear through opponents in a handful of shots. The 30-30 excels at mid-range and the EVA-8 blasts enemies at short-range, covering a wide range of fights. Similar to the Bocek Bow and Flatline loadout, this build favors power over fire rate.
30-30 Repeater and EVA-8