5 Facts  about  Ryan Gosling



Ryan Gosling's enigmatic versatility shines in The Gray Man's success, with a sequel and spin-off in the works, revealing his quiet and mysterious nature.

Versatile Actor

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Here are 5 facts about Ryan Gosling that most don’t know.

Cool facts

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Ryan Gosling's challenging childhood fueled his acting passion, evolving from troublemaker to action movie star, a journey inspired by childhood dreams.

1) Gosling didn't finish high school

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Childhood buddies Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling started their acting journey on the Mickey Mouse Club, but their close bond evolved over time.

2) Lived with Justin Timberlake

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Ryan Gosling's beloved dog George, a constant companion on sets and TV appearances, held a special place in his heart, even wearing a dog tag in memory after passing in 2016.

3) The love of his life

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Cast as Noah Calhoun in The Notebook because he appeared 'a bit nuts,' Ryan Gosling credits director Nick Cassavetes and co-star Rachel McAdams for the film's success

4) Got his biggest blockbuster because he wasn't handsome enough

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On-screen sparks turned real as Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams' tumultuous dynamic in The Notebook led to an off-screen romance that captured hearts.

5) Fought with McAdams on the sets of The Notebook

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