Reasons Why Digimon Was Not As Successful As Pokemon


Despite its dedicated fanbase and numerous seasons and movies, Digimon was unable to compete with its biggest competitor Pokemon.

Tough Competition

Toei Animation

Let’s look at some reasons Digimon could never catch up to Pokemon.

Reasons Behind the Failure

Toei Animation

Pokemon's success in the video game industry gave it an advantage over Digimon, whose origins as a Tamagotchi toy didn't receive as much attention.

1. The Origins

Toei Animation

Digimon was criticized for being a copy of Pokemon due to its timing, with the first anime adaptation coming out almost two years after Pokemon's anime release.

2. Release Timings

Toei Animation

The familiarity of the Pokemon anime and the inconsistency of Digimon's seasons have contributed to the former's popularity over the latter.

3. Every Season is Different

Toei Animation

Unlike Pokemon's Ash, Digimon changes its protagonists each season, leading to varied reactions from the audience.

4. Many Protagonists

Toei Animation

Pokemon evolution is simpler and more consistent throughout the series, while Digimon introduces unique and varied ways of digivolution in each season, which can be a hit or miss with fans.

5) Digivolution Gimmicks

Toei Animation

– To understand why Digimon was not as successful as its rival Pokemon, scroll up!