Kubo Tite
While Bleach manga ended a long time ago, the excitement for the series hasn't ceased in the slightest.
Kubo Tite
New Bankai powers were revealed in Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World spin-off light novel and Bleach TYBW anime adaptation.
Kubo Tite
Fans would like to know that three new Bankai have been released since Bleach manga ended its serialization on August 22, 2016.
Kubo Tite
Shinji Hirako demonstrated his Bankai for the first time in Ryogo Narita's Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World.
Kubo Tite
In the light novel, the Captain of the 5th Division used his Bankai, Sakashima Yokoshima Happofusagari, against a horde of hollows.
Kubo Tite
While Shuhei Hisagi doesn't use his Bankai in Bleach manga, Ryogo Narita's Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World finally revealed his Bankai.
Kubo Tite
The novel's final part saw Shuhei unleashing his Bankai, Fushi no Kojo, to stop Hikone from wreaking havoc.
Kubo Tite
Squad Zero member Senjumaru demonstrated his true potential in The finale of Bleach TYBW part 2 revealing his Bankai.
Kubo Tite
Her Shatatsu Karagara Shigaraminotsuji changed the entire surroundings with fabrics made from a gigantic loom.
Kubo Tite
Kubo Tite