During your introductory battle in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, you’ll be pitted against a mob of angry and infected villagers known as Ganados.
Since their sheer numbers can be overwhelming, here are a few tips that’ll help you survive the onslaught.
– The village is full of small alleys, and multiple houses. – Don’t be afraid to go inside these houses to take cover from the hunting villagers.
During this section, movement will be your best friend.
If you stop, you will be swarmed by the villagers and will be killed. Instead, if you find yourself being swarmed, don’t be afraid to melee an enemy or two before moving again.
Ammo is scarce in the Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Instead of using an entire clip to gun down a single enemy, shoot their weak spots and then use your knife to kill them.
You will come across this weapon inside the house where the Chainsaw man appears.
Grab the Shotgun off the wall, and a hand grenade from the wardrobe on the opposite side before leaving the house. You can use these to clear out large portions of the mobs.
While running from the villagers, you can lure them into the barn.
Once they’re inside, shoot the lantern to set the entire barn on fire. This will wipe out a considerable number of enemies chasing you.
To know more about how to survive the Village in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, swipe up!