Veteran Indian wrestler Bajrang Punia has landed in hot waters after being provisionally suspended by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA). The apex agency slapped a suspension after Punia refused to give his urine samples during the national selection trials at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) center in Sonipat on March 10.
With just around 80 days remaining for the big event, Punia's qualification path to the Olympics remains in jeopardy. The suspension comes a few days before the World Olympic Qualifiers, slated for May 9 in Istanbul, Turkey. This competition was the final chance for Punia to earn a ticket to the Paris Olympics 2024.
With Punia's suspension, Sujeet Kalkal will represent the country at the World Olympic Qualifiers in the 65 kg category.
If Sujeet manages to earn a qualification, Bajrang Punia's entry into the Paris Olympics will depend on NADA's decision. If the agency lifts the suspension, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) can organize another trial or go with only Sujeet in the event.
According to the WFI chief, Sanjay Singh, they were not informed of Bajrang Punia's suspension by NADA in their April 25 meeting.
Punia presented his side of the story in a recent clip posted on X, claiming that he did not refuse to provide urine samples to NADA officials.
“I want to clarify the news about me being asked to take a dope test!!! I never refused to give my sample to NADA officials, I requested them to first answer me as to what action they took on the expired kits they brought to take my sample (earlier) and then take my dope test. My lawyer Vidush Singhania will reply to this letter in time."
According to the anti-doping policy, any athlete refusing to provide samples carries the same repercussions as a positive test. Depending upon the explanation of Bajrang Punia by May 7, NADA can impose a full-fledged sanction or revoke the suspension.
Bajrang Punia's performance in the Tokyo Olympics
In the Tokyo Olympics, Bajrang Punia beat Ernazar Akmataliev and Morteza Ghiasi Cheka in the pre-quarterfinal and quarter-final match in the 65 kg category, respectively.
However, he lost to Haji Aliyev in the semi-finals. Then, he prevailed 8-0 over Kazakhstani wrestler Daulet Niyazbeko to win the bronze medal.