Deepak Kumar, an Indian sport shooter, took part in the men’s 10m air rifle event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. He did not have a remarkable qualification round, finishing 26th in the event held at the Asaka Shooting Range, falling short of advancing to the final medal round. It is worth noting that only the top eight shooters progress to the final medal round.
Deepak, a Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) in the Indian Air Force, accumulated a total score of 624.7 in his sixty shots. The 36-year-old, hailing from Delhi, faced a challenging start, scoring only 102.7 originally.
However, he improved his performance and achieved scores of 103.8, 103.7, 105.2, 103.8, and 105.3 in his final five shots. Unfortunately, it was not sufficient for him to qualify among the top eight shooters who advanced to the final round.
The 2020 Summer Olympics marked Deepak's 10th appearance in shooting in the prestigious event. Remarkably, he acquired the Tokyo Olympic quota following a win in the men's 10m air rifle at the 14th Asian Championships in November 2019, where he won a bronze medal.
Deepak Kumar's career in brief
Before the 2024 Tokyo Olympics, he secured a bronze medal at the 2018 ISSF World Cup in Guadalajara in the 10-meter air rifle mixed team event alongside Mehuli Ghosh.
Deepak Kumar also claimed a silver medal in the men's 10m Air Rifle event at the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia. Deepak Kumar took silver with 247.7 points, after China's Haoran Yang, who won gold with a Games Record score of 249.1.
The Indian scored a spectacular 10.8 on his second shot of the second last set, leapfrogging his Taipei opponent and finishing second by the smallest of margins.